Chapter 9

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Did I hear her right? She really wants my keys? But I don’t even know her. I look at her straight in the eyes to see if she’s kidding but she looks very serious. Her eyes were dead cold and they were looking at me wickedly.

“Why do you want my keys?” I asked “You’re a wizard too who specializes in wind magic, what do you need my keys for,”

She gave me a creepy smile “You have almost all the celestial spirits, most especially, Leo the Lion, the leader of all the celestial zodiacs. I need him,”

“Wait a minute; you’re the thief Gray told me about. He said you were looking for Loki,”

“That’s right. I knew from the beginning that you have Leo or Loki,” her face twisted in disgust when she said Loki’s name “I would’ve stole him from you myself but why should I tire myself when you can come directly to me? It was a coincidence that Gray Fullbuster accepted the job of capturing me. I intentionally sent word out that I’m having a party and also about the ‘date’ requirement. I instantly knew that he’d pick you. Everything is going according to my plan but then that water mage made that goddamn potion and now everything is ruined,” she let out a sigh of frustration “I can’t wait any longer. I want your keys now,”

I held my ground and look at her straight in the eyes “No, I won’t let you have my keys. I’ll die first before you can have them,”

“Then die you shall,” she said as she sent another strong wind towards me.

I dodged it and held Scorpio’s key in my hand “Gate of the Scorpion, I open thee, Scorpio!”

Scorpio appeared and instantly fired sand on Fiora but she jumped and dodged it. She landed smoothly a few feet away from me.

“Scorpio make use of your sand-gun and hit her again,” I said as I held my whip in my right hand. Scorpio did as I told him. He aimed his gun in Fiora’s direction and shot her again. Fiora smiled and fired a ball of wind that made the sand scatter everywhere. I covered my eyes because of the dust. I heard a scream and suddenly felt as if someone just punched me. When I opened my eyes, Scorpio was nowhere in sight anymore and Fiora was standing there looking at me evilly.

“Is that all you can do? I thought that Leo’s owner would be much stronger than this. I’m so disappointed, really,” she said in a mocking voice.

“Loki is not some kind of object that anyone can claim. He’s one my friends. All of my spirits are my friends and you have no right to talk about them as if you own them,” I said in a hard voice. I opened Loki’s gate. He appeared in front of me, looking darkly at Fiora. He was really angry.

“At last, Leo the Lion, you finally showed yourself to me,” Fiora said.

“I will never forgive you because you harmed Gray, one of my best friends and because you just made the biggest mistake of hurting the most important person in my life,” Loki is almost growling when he said that. He positioned himself, ready to pounce on his enemy.

The wind took speed again. I braced myself but Loki seems to be not affected by it. He looks so calm and really focused on defeating Fiora. I’m worried about him. Yes, he’s the best among all of my spirits when it comes to combat skills but Fiora is a very skilled mage too. No, I need to trust Loki. I know both of us can do this.

Loki made the first move and ran towards Fiora. He suddenly disappeared and appeared in front of her, his fist clinched. But before he can punch her, Fiora stepped back and dodged the punch. I ran towards her too, ignoring the wind that’s almost tearing me apart. I controlled my whip in my hand and raised it in order to strike her. She saw me and dodged it again but Loki suddenly caught her arm and landed a punch on her jaw. He then backed away just as my whip came in contact with Fiora. She rolled away but not fast enough. She still got hit in her right arm. She hissed and looked at me darkly. Loki stepped beside me and looked at Fiora.

“You’re no match for us, so you’d better give up,” said Loki.

“I’ll come back for you. This isn’t over yet, Heartfilia. I’ll get him from you and all of your keys are going to be mine soon,” she suddenly raised herself into the air and flew away.

I let out a sigh of relief when she was gone. I rested my back against the wall as I try to catch my breath. I need to replenish my magic. I look up and Loki was in front of me.

“Are you hurt?” he asked.

I shook my head “Not physically. I’m just a little tired. I called Scorpio first and I consumed a lot of my magic in calling him and then calling you next,”

“Why didn’t you call me first? I could’ve defeated her easily,”

“I know, but she said that she wanted to have you so bad. I know those kinds of people. They treat spirits as if they’re just objects. I don’t want you to experience the pain you had with Karen,” I said “Fiora is like her, maybe even more vicious. I don’t want a person like her to take hold of any celestial spirit in this world,”

Loki gave me smile “And that’s the reason why all of us are so lucky that you’re our owner, Lucy,”

I shook my head “I’m not your owner, okay? I’m your friend,”


Hey guys!!...Thank you for all of you who patiently wait for my updates. I would also like to apologize because I take too long to update.

Thank you for all the reads! I never expected that it'd reach 500!!..waaa!!

Back to the story, what's with Fiora Cole? And why does she wants Lucy's keys so much?

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