Chapter 5

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Chapter 5:

2 weeks had passed since I started to have a pretend relationship with Gray. Most of our friends know about the reason why we're like this and they're helping in any way they can. Erza hasn't come back yet and I really bet that she's going to freak if she found out about this. Loki wasn't too happy with my relationship with Gray, but I managed to calm him down. Levy and Juvia are working hard in researching. I wanted to help them but they told me that they got it and I just need to distract Gray for a while. And so that was what I did.

Gray is a very responsible and kind man. He is even more amazing as a boyfriend. Sometimes I hear some girls talking in the guild about how lucky I was that Gray is my boyfriend. I don't see why but as the days passed, I began to understand. Any girl would be lucky to date Gray. He may seem tough and moody but he acts totally different when he's with me. He isn't afraid to show who he really is when he's with me. I learned a lot of things about him that I loved. He had a sad past but he believes that he won't be able to move in the future if he keeps looking back at his past. I don't know why and how it happened but as the days passed and as I get to spend every freaking minute with him, I think I'm beginning to like him and not in a friendly way.

"Lucy!" Levy called as soon as I stepped inside the guild. It was after lunch and me and Gray decided to return to the guild. I excused myself to Gray and walked towards Levy who was sitting alone in a table holding a thick book in her hands.

"Hi, where's Juvia?" I asked as I sat down beside her.

"I told her to gather the materials we need," she answered as she began flipping the book.

I furrowed my eyebrows "What materials?" I asked confused.

"You know, the materials we need in order to reverse the love spell," she looked at me and she smiled "We finally found a cure for Gray so he'll return to normal once again,"

I didn't react right away as I try to process what she just said. They found a cure for Gray. He won't be in love with me anymore. Everything would finally turn back to normal.

"Lucy, are you okay? Aren't you glad that we finally found a cure?" asked Levy.

I blinked "No, I'm just so glad that I became speechless. I don't really know what to say to you guys. I think I can't thank you enough,"

Levy smiled and pulled me for a hug "What are you saying? We're you're friends and it's just normal for us to help you,"

"Yeah," I said.

That night, I can't sleep. I keep thinking about Gray and about the cure. I should be happy that Gray would finally be cured, I mean, that was what I wanted right? I told everyone to help me find a cure for Gray so things would just go back to the way it was. But why do I feel like someone just punched me in the gut and ripped my heart out of my chest when I heard Levy say that they finally found a cure? I should be happy but I'm not. I feel like I don't want Gray to be cured. I like things the way they are now and I don't want it to change. I want Gray to stay in love with me. I like Gray. God, it took me this long to realize it, but I like him. I really, really like him.

I felt a lump forming in my throat and before I know it, tears were flowing from my eyes. It hurts to think that he won't be this sweet to me after he's cured. He won't take me out on dates anymore. He would never kiss my forehead again. He would never hold my hand again because it would be awkward because we're just friends.

"You can cry all you want but you can't change the fact that he's not really in love with you,"

I wiped the tears from my eyes as I sat on my bed. Loki was looming over me and he looks intimidating. He kneeled beside my bed and wiped the tears off my face.

"I know that, but I can't help it," I answered "I already like him Loki,"

He sighs and sat beside me "God, I feel like an idiot when you cry and I don't know what to do,"

I let out a small laugh "Just stay beside me,"

"You know I will," he said "Talk to me,"

I let out a breath and told him everything from the start. He just listened and never interrupted me. Then I went to the part when Levy told me about the cure and me feeling like I don't want Gray to be cured. I was crying again when I finished.

"But why?" he asked "You said you wanted him to be cured in the first place,"

"That's the reason why I'm feeling miserable. I wanted him to be cured, believe me, but it was just so sudden that it caught me off guard,"

"You really like him, huh?" he whispered.

"Am I so selfish now?" I asked him.

"Don't say that, Lucy. You are human and it's just natural for you to be selfish," he answered as he wrapped his arms around me. "I know it's not right, but you can't help it and it's not your fault. Love can make us do crazy things sometimes,"

I closed my eyes and thought about what Loki said. I am so selfish for wanting this and not thinking how Gray would feel. Gray would want this to be over and just return to normal. He would want things to be just as it was before. I'm the selfish one and I hate myself for it. I should be happy that we found a cure and put an end to this. I should think about what would make everyone happy. Stopping this pretend relationship is what would make them happy.


I just want to thank all of you who kept reading and supporting this story. I know that I'm really not that good of a writer, but thank you for putting up with me.


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