Chapter Eighteen (Ride of Life)

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Susanna' s POV

Everyone has had a blast so far today at the park. I had just one more thing I wanted to do before we left.

"Let's ride the horses!" I squeal like an excited little girl.

Lynn is giving me the eye. The others look at me confused why there is a staring contest going down between me and my bestie. "But I'm getting married the day after tomorrow. I'll be okay by then."

Lynn crosses her arms over her chest, and gives me a 'really now?' kind of look. I pout in hopes of getting her approval. "Pwease sissy."

Rolling her eyes, she digs in her bag for a bottle of pills and a bottle of water. Then she places a pill and the opened water in my hands. "I knew this was going to happen, so I came prepared." She laughs, sticking her tongue out at me.

"Tanks, sis." I reply, still in baby talk mode like the total goof that I am. I swallow the Benadryl and swig some water down too. I'm highly allergic to horses so this has to be done. The results later are unpredictable but we will cross that bridge when the time comes.

We have to fill out some release forms and some information about our riding skills. Thankfully they have added more novice level horses. A much younger ride along instructor rides up beside us, giving instructions. Thankfully she's not like the guy I rode with last time. He liked shouting out, and singing Living on a pray. Just so you know my horse was named Bon Jovi that time so... yeah. You get the picture.

This time my horse is a beautiful chestnut Arabian mare named Windsong. She's gorgeous and so gentle. Wait the instructor is saying something to Lyric. I would guess the instructor, who introduced herself as Maria, is about the same age, around seventeen, and around the same height.

Suddenly Maria is riding beside me as we walk our horses in a wider part of the trail. "So you're Suanna? And this is like your party before you marry Joey Stamper?" Her green eyes are wide, but kind as she speaks, and her auburn hair wips in front of her face in the gentle breeze.

"It's true." I say with a shrug. "We're different kind of folks. You must like Anthem Lights. Beautiful horse by the way."

She strokes her mounts neck, a big and tall, elegant black horse with a wavy mane. I instantly recognize the breed as a Friesan. "His name is Maverick." Maria grins, brightly. We continue to talk about horses , and soon the ride is over, after a brief stop while some turkeys thought about crossing the road.... while standing in the road eyeing the long line of horses.

We all head back to the parking lot. The boys go there way to... honestly I'm not sure and it might be better that way. While all the girls ride back to the cabin at my family's house and we take on party mode. Chick flicks and candy and popcorn. We have a blast and just chatter away. I steal away a little time with groups of girls to give them my gifts, saving my "Chosen girls" for last.

I've been fighting my benadryl pretty hard, but I'm happy to say I'm winning and not really feeling all that sleepy.

"Lyric. Have you seen the girls that the Chosen boys are liking full force?" Lyric laughs, her "I hope you dance" necklace I got her jingling. She's on the phone with a girl she met months ago by chance in Nashville at a yard sale. The yard sale where she found the book that sparked the foundation Lyric is building. The girl has agree to help her, and the two have a very promising friendship.

Lyric points me outside towards the fire pit where I see four figures huddled together roasting marshmallows. I randomly grab a marshmallow shooter as I leave the cabin and launch a marshmallow at them, squeals of surprise lift into the air as they all turn and stare in my direction. "The things I must do to achieve your attention." I say dramatically, adopting a Jane Austen style accent.

They laugh, and Maggie toss a marshmallow back at me, just narrowly missing me. "Hey, I'm the bride! No fair!" I reach the circle. " mind if I join you gals?"

"Of course!" Elle beams.

"I have presents for you girls." I cut to the chase, handing each a carefully ... bagged gift. Eliora and Elisabeth exchange excited glances.

"Even when distance seperate us your girls where there for me when I was quiet and wanting to hide away in my little turtle shell. You helped me get stronger. Each of you." I smile.

Elisabeth is the first to pull out her gift, it's a Newsies style hat, signed by the cast, along with an elephant that I embroidered onto it.

Elle was happy with her gift as well, after all it was Pride and Prejudice related. A signed copy of the 2005 dvd and a nice hardback copy of the book.

For Eliora, I chose to give her a copy of the dvd Perfect Chord, and a mason jar full of guitar picks of every color and shape imaginable. "Haha now I don't have to worry about losing them."

Maggie stuck her hand in the gift. My eyes started feeling heavier. Maggie grinned, "I LOVE THIS!" And the next thing I know I was out like a light. Benadryl finally kicked in, I guess.


Author's Note:

Okay here I go again. This is my second go around on this author note.

Special thanks to the girls that have characters in this chapter.

GO check them out. They are all amazing and kind and funny girls. Good writers to boot!!!








Also a big thanks to each and everyone of you that is reading this. You ARE AWESOME!

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