Chapter 12

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Joey's POV

Susanna called me the day before yesterday and said she would be coming home that same day. I called the apartment and no answer. Same thing with her cell phone. That's not like her. I know she went back home to Kentucky to do wedding plans with her friends and family, but I almost wish that I had went with her. It's kind of unusual for her not to contact me, I miss my future wife. I love that woman so much.

"Call her, Joey." Chad says kindly, breaking through my foggy mind. It brings me back to the present, my bandmates and I are having a meeting. Apparently, I missed most of it, cause Nick Barre is putting papers in his bag and standing to leave.

I open my mouth to feign it, but Caleb puts a hand on my shoulder. "Don't say who. You know who we mean."

"We want to make sure everything's alright too." Alan nods.

I take a deep breath and dialed the house phone of her parents back in Kentucky.

A tired female voice answers, right before it goes to the answering machine. "Stephens residence."

"This is Joey Stamper. Is Susanna there?" I ask, my ears are met with sobs. "Is something wrong?"

"This is Susie's Granny. She had a bit of an accident, they took her to the hospital for emergency surgery. I'm sorry... I need to calm down. I just worry about my grandbaby."

"Expect me there tomorrow." I say. I have to go to her. There's no other way.

I'm Not Going Anywhere (Book 4 of "Light For You" Series) COMPLETED!Where stories live. Discover now