Chapter Fourteen

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(I suggest watching and listening to the video for this chapter before reading or as you read. It plays a crucial part. Thanks. Continue to read now. )

Susanna's POV

Praise God, I'm feeling so much better. It's been barely been a few weeks now since my incident with nearly going blind, and at my last check up the doctor was amazed at how quickly I am healing. He called it a miracle, and said I could go back to being active again, just to be careful.

There is one definite advantage to having my fiancée here where I grew up. I get to show him some of my world. I was at the cabin door early this morning, well... early-ish. I didn't want to make him too much of a grumpy gus. "Wake up, Stamper!" I shouted, as I banged my fist against the door.

"Morning, beautiful!" I hear behind me, making me jump straight against the full, mind you, rain barrel on the end of the porch. I nearly fall in but the voice's owner captures me in his arms. It just so happens to be Joey.

"Your up early." I say surprised, and a bit winded from my clumsy encounter... okay and his eyes. We decided not to kiss again (our first together was when we got engaged) until our wedding. But a part of me is soooo wanting to reconsider that right now.

Joey hugs me, and then pulls away, but not releasing my hand. The look in his eyes tells me he is dealing with this same struggle. He sneaks a glance, and whispers so quiet I can barely hear. "It'll be worth it."

I nod, and we head towards my parents house. "Ready for some breakfast?" I say clearing my throat. This is the most random moment to have this thought, but the devil creeped right in just now and was making me think of maybe a perfect everywhere soprano was what Joey wanted. Not a far from model looking, bespectacled, alto girl. I start rebuking the devil in Jesus' name in my mind, and Joey notices the change on my face.

We are nearly to the house now, but Joey stops and we sit by the edge of the fish pond. He takes the hand that isn't locked with mine and brushes my hair back. His eyes are locked on mine. Why do I get the crazy feeling that God let him in on my thoughts just now?

Then he does what I should have expected, but the thought didn't cross my mind. He starts singing, "Give Your Heart A Break". I begin to cry and he wipes my tears away, as he rests his forehead against mine. "I know you've been hurt before...My sweet, sweet girl. I'm not that kind of guy. All the things I've ever felt for girls before..." His blue gaze is intense, making my heart race, "It's nothing. Nothing! Like what I feel for you. You are my intended. I've never been more sure of anything in my whole life. God had us in mind for each other from the beginning of time." His face is dead serious, and his blue eyes are brimming with tears. "I love you, Susanna Stephens. I will for forever, and then through eternity. I will never ever go away, so whether you like it or not, I'm Not Going Anywhere." He smiled.

"You just did a shameless plug for your own song." I smile, trying to lighten the mood. I touch his cheek lightly, and back away. "The devil knows I'm easy to doubt, Joey Stamper. I have many battle scars from the past, sometimes they choose to pop up again. You may have to remind me Alot. But I'll always love you too, darling."

"You make a grown man cry, woman." Joey says, teasingly, but the tears are indeed real.

I roll my eyes, playfully, but I know in all seriousness neither of us will forget this conversation. "We should go in before they think we got lost." I giggle as we race to the house and somehow achieve a calm breakfast with my family, acting as if nothing went on outside.

Joey's POV

"I'm guessing you have a plan?" I ask, skeptically.

We are standing at a smaller sized shed with several four wheelers inside. They are huge. "I know you might rather have a dirt bike, but I didn't have a stand, and it'd be too tall for you anyway." Susanna is getting far too much of a kick out of this, it's written all over her gorgeous, goofball of a face.

I'm Not Going Anywhere (Book 4 of "Light For You" Series) COMPLETED!Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu