Chapter Ten

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Susanna's POV

I'm at home here in Kentucky, out at the old hunting cabin on our property. I'm having my bridesmaids from here over and we are finalizing some plans. Like that nagging question about my bridesmaid.

I'm looking through my old yearbooks with Lynn and Nicole. Bree is supposed to be stop by later with a bite to eat, I'm glad my "little sis" is back home from college for a little bit.

I look over at Lynn and Willow who are loving the chocolate goodies I made. They are laughing and cutting up, just the usual stuff for us pretty much. I smile, I love those girls so much, they are as close to my heart as sisters, and I wouldn't trade them for the world. That's why the whole situation with picking my maid of honor has been such a pain. But I think I have a solution.

Just like that little girl in the taco commercials.... "Why not both?"

The girls have our senior yearbook up again and we are all talking about where all of the people are and what they are doing. We laugh at the pictures and cherish the memories. I whisper a prayer to God for blessing me in so many ways that I can't even count.

I don't really know what God has in front of me, my family, and friends... but whatever it is I just want to follow His will.

Give me guidance, Lord.


Author's Note

Well that was boring and pretty useless right?

Sorry, just trying to move it along. The next chapter will have more.... stuff in it.

Enjoy, and please don't give up on me and the story.

I'm Not Going Anywhere (Book 4 of "Light For You" Series) COMPLETED!Where stories live. Discover now