The Begining { 27 }-FINAL-

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I own the story and characters.
The only character I do not own is Charley Vents which belongs to TheAngleGamer.
I did NOT copy off of anyone's ideas, stories, or books!
Remember to vote and comment!



'Huh? What's going on?' I sit up looking around at the odd surrounding. Pitch black. A buzzing sound came from a distance. Looking around I still see nothing. As I stood up, two small lights appeared in front of me. Squinting my eyes, I try to make out what was ahead of me.

The buzz soon turned into a dragged out car horn. When I realized that the figure of a car was headed towards me, I sprinted. The car followed quickly catching up to me. My eyes closed ready for the impact.

The car zoomed away in front of me. 'Did that car just go through me?' After rubbing my eyes a scenery appeared all around. It was the house that dreaded cat boy lived at.

I prance up to the foot of the door. After examining the wood, I come to the conclusion that it will have to be broken down. I launch my foot at the door, but instead it goes through without breaking. 'Whhhhaaaattt the hell?!! I'm a ghost?! When did I die?!'  Questions rushed through my mind but then a smirk appeared upon my face. 'This could actually come in handy.'


Your POV:
It has been almost seven months since you and Nobu have been living together. Wow, that seems almost like a year. Speaking of years, you never really asked Nobu how old he is. You always had assumed that he was around your age.

You run upstairs and to find Nobu playing Mario Kart 8 on your new Wii U. "Hey Nobu?" You say to get his attention. "Hmm?" "How old are you?"

"My two hundred tenth birthday is coming up in May."
"You're two hundred and... Nine?" You question stunned. "Well, one hundred ninety if you don't count the years I was being developed in a test tube." He shrugged, continuing to focus on Mario Kart.

"Do all of the experiments live that long?" You ask, sitting next to him curious. "Unless they were killed during a test, then yes. I should be able to live for another five hundred years if I survive."

You sit their staring off into space.
'My boyfriend is two hundred ten years old...'


The first bell rings as you and Nobu sit down in homeroom. Kanji had finally built up the courage to come back to school but insisted the principal to change classes with any that Nobu was in.

The teacher eventually walked in with a smile for once. "Good news children!" She cheered. "This is the final project for the year!" Everyone fist-pumped with excitement. "However the project will last until the end of the year." Everyone's head then slammed their desks, including you.

The teacher took a large breath in. She always does that before she explains the project. "This project will be for you to understand what others lives are like. It will also cross over with your cross-cultural reading. You will be with your partners from the last project. The project is to interview and find out experiences from people who are admitted into a mental hospital and then write a five hundred page report on them."

'Mental Hospital?' You think. 'Isn't that a bit... Dangerous?' "(F/n)," the teacher called you out. "since Kanji isn't in this class anymore you are to work with Nobu and Aki." You smile slightly. 'Well at least that's a good thing.'


Charley's POV:

I drag my suitcases behind me sadly. "Do we really have to move, dad?" I complain to my father who was standing near the moving truck. "We can't live in this area anymore because the government is becoming suspicious of the experimental activities that are going on in our lab, which we have to move as well." He explained checking off things on his clipboard.

"So what are you going to do with the experiments?" I ask, loading my stuff into the truck. "The ones that look human enough are going to a mental hospital or an insane asylum. The other ones are to be released into the wild, where they will most likely die."

"That seems a bit cruel doesn't it?" I ask feeling pity for the creatures.

"Well, it's not like they could live normal lives."


That's it! You made it to the end of the book! This is probably a sad yet joyous day for you!

BUT WAIT, don't close out of this story just yet! I am making a book 2 called 'Outsider' where all sorts of cool shiz will happen!

A new love interest will be introduced as well as (f/n)'s long lost dad!!

The next book is bound to make you laugh and cry at the same time and I plan to have better vocabulary because I am currently in a writing class! That story will help me build a writing style and a colorful vocabulary.

So stay tuned for 'Outsider' !!!

See you in the next book, Which is out now!

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