Gang's Alleyway { 10 }

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I own the story and characters.
I did NOT copy off of anyone's ideas, stories, or books!
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Oh god, oh god. Nobu ran away!!
How could you let this happen?! This is so, so, so, so very bad!

Wait... Why do you even care? You were the one who didn't even want him in your house in the first place. I mean, he could just be playing off the whole hating-the-government and actually be working for them.

But... Something was different about him... You knew him for what, three days? And you already cared for him. 'Love at first sight?' You think to yourself as you quickly change out of your uniform and into normal clothes and a raincoat. 'Ha! In my dreams.'

Once you were all dressed you searched for an umbrella in the back of your closet. You found one that was clear. Good enough.

You ran down stairs and out of the door. When you stepped outside it had already started to sprinkle with dark clouds low in the sky. "Better find him quick.." You think out loud, as you open the umbrella and head out.


You've been out in the cold, hard, wet, miserable, tiring, upsetting rain for who knows how long now. Ugh. And still no sign of Nobu.

You have checked the dump, the famous dumpster where you meet him the for first time, most of the alleys you knew, your backyard, and the dog park...

Ugh, this was so frustrating. Why couldn't he just stay at home like you told him to and be a good kitty?! Then you wouldn't be out here in the rain looking for him in the first place!
You were going to kill him.
And then probably hug him.

And then kill him again.

There was one other place you hadn't looked. But that was the last place on Earth you wanted to look.

The gang's alleyway. Just thinking about it made your blood run cold. Seriously, you'd rather look in the Amazon before going there.

The gang's alleyway is where all of the 'bad boys' hang out. Also where gang meet-ups happen. Stuff like that. But the last time someone went in there, they came out with a bloody and broken... Well, everything.

But it wasn't late and it was raining so no one would be there... Right?

"This is going to come biting me back in the butt." You mutter as you head for the alleyway.


You stand at the front of the building that was the first corner of the alleyway. The building was called. 'Rose's Flower Shop.' Kinda out of place don't ya think? Yet the still stay open.

But that was beside the point right now. You do small jumps up and down readying your self before you enter the alley.

"You know what? Hashtag Yolo."
You tell yourself. Then you start down the alley slowly and cautiously.

The alley was dark and gloomy with lots of plants growing in the cracks of the brick walls. There were also smaller alleys that fell into this one. Oh, how this place gave you the chills. You walked past a dumpster that looks like it got hit by a truck. Poor dumpster. Looks like the gangs got to it.

You shake your head getting back to why you came down here in the first place. Looking for Nobu. If he had a last name this would probably be easier. There are like a thousand Nobus in the world. "Nobu!" You hesitantly call out. "Where are you?!"

"Right here." A voice said from behind you. Quickly you turn around and see a tall boy that looked slightly older than you standing there. That was definitely not the Nobu you were looking for.

This guy's hair was a scruffy brown, but most of it was covered by his jacket hood. His jacket was zipped up and it had some sort of weird design on it. He was wearing extremely baggy faded navy jeans that had the same design on the side of it. He also held a base ball bat in his hand that rested on his shoulder. That's not a good sign.

"Look girl." He started with a smirk on his face. "I don't know why you came down town to this place, but you better get outta here or things'll go down south."

Life or Death situation right now. Leave and you'll be save but would have never found Nobu. Or stay and get beaten up but have a 25% chance of finding Nobu.

"No." Yep. Your dead.

The guy got really close to your face and looked you in the eyes. "Are you sure you wanna do that?" He asked, his smirk not fading. He then licked his upper lip. Wait....

"Cause if not, you're gonna be my girl for as long as I want." You stood your ground and have him a cold stare.

"I'm not leaving till I find the person I'm looking for." You say trying to be menacing. It always works for the anime characters so it would work here... Right?

The boy laughed. "Well they sure ain't as hell gonna be down here! And who do you think you are, talking to me like that?!" He asked ticked at what you had said to him.

"I'm a girl with authority." You state. Now he looked like he was about to explode, but he seemed to calm himself down.

"Look at this." He said pointing to his jacket the odd design thing on his jacket. "See that? That's Legthers Gang."

Legthers Gang?! The Legthers Gang?!! Holy crap you were officially screwed!! Legthers Gang is the strongest and largest gang in the state! They've done terrible things like burn down a hotel (just to name one)!! Now you wish you could take back what you said before.

"I'm head of this area's Legthers Gang." He explained. Now you were actually officially screwed. "So girly, your gonna come with me." He said grabbing your wrist tightly, and started to drag you down the alleyway. You dug your feet in the ground and stopped him. "No way am I going with you!"

"Then your coming with us." He said. You turn your head around to see eight other gang members. Now you were actually really officially screwed. All of them gathered around you with smirks on their faces. The thing that didn't help was they were all taller than you.

'I always hate to admit I need help,' you think to yourself.

'but I really, really need help!!'

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