Runaway { 9 }

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I own the story and characters.
I did NOT copy off of anyone's ideas, stories, or books!
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"Ugh..." You groan somewhat waking up, just not opening your eyes. Too much effort.

Somehow this day was already off to a weird start. You were warm. The only time you wake up warm is if you're in one of these scenarios:

1.) Your mom turned the heat up to 90 degrees fahrenheit.
2.) You wet yourself like a three year old.
Or 3.) The sun is overheating the Earth and everyone will die.

You had a feeling that it wasn't the last two... Well. Hoped.

You turn on your side but then felt two arms wrap around your waist, pulling you to the warmth. You really hoped this was a dream. Really, really hoped really, really hard.

Tiredly you open your eyes and look down at your waist which had two pale arms wrapped around it. Nope. Wasn't a dream. You turn all the way around on your other side, only to face your dad's collage tank top.

Oh god.
It was Nobu.

Instantly, your cheeks heat up and your stomach lightens once again. You clutch onto his top trying not to throw up out of embarrassment. His face nuzzles into your shoulder, which didn't help much with your situation right now.

Being so close to him you could hear the slow and steady thumping of his heart and his slow mouth breathing, which made you blush cherry tomato red.

'Should I wake him up?' You think to yourself. 'No he deserves the sleep.'

You turn back on your other side and cautiously unwrap his grasp on you. He grunts as you try get up and quickly pulls you back down into the position you were in before. Great.

Aha! An idea popped into your head. Like in all of the adventure movies you watch when the adventurers steal the treasure they put something in its place so no booby traps will go off. Maybe that'll work hear too!

You grab the pillow your head had rested on while you were asleep and smile at it. Swiftly, you slip under and out of his grasp as the pillow slid in your position. Nobu didn't seem to move.

Mission accomplished.
You get up and walk over to your clock to turn off the alarm but then realize it was past the time you set it at. Clicking the button on the clock, you check again what time you set it at.

5:45 PM

Crab cakes. You set it a PM not AM. Just a normal day in the life in your shoes. First a homeless cat boy turns into your roommate and then your alarm goes of late.

Crap! It's seven o'clock!! Five minutes to get ready. No problem.



Quickly you ran into your bathroom and started to brush your teeth. While doing that you run into your closet and change onto your uniform. You ran back into your bathroom and spit the rest of toothpaste in your mouth into the sink.

Then you look at the clock again. Three minutes left. Got it.

"Nobu wake up!" You yell at him while you start to stuff your bag with school supplies. So much for letting him sleep.

He jumped up in a sitting position fully awake. He rubbed his one good eye and yawned. "Well," you started "my alarm clock didn't wake me up on time so-"

"Why am I in your bed?" mumbled Nobu, interrupting what you were saying. You sigh with a light blush. "You got in my bed and hugged me in your sleep." You mumble. "Oh..." He said softly. "Sorry..."

"As I was saying," you continue "My alarm clock didn't wake me up so I woke you up. Remember the rules?"

"Yeah." He nodded. "Alrighty then. I'll be home earlier then usual because school's let out early today. Some breakfast will be downstairs for you." You explain throwing the sling over your shoulder.

"See you.." He mumbled, sounding sad. Wait, why did he sound sad? You shake it off and continue out of the door. "Bye Nobu."



Oh how you loved the days the school let you out early. You were released from that prison AND your backpack was light for once! If only they had these days everyday.

You walk up to your door happily and unlock it, stepping into your house with a grin on your face. "Honey! I'm home!~" you chime, referencing that one show you you had never seen.
There was a silence.
"...Nobu! I'm home!" You yell again.
And yet again there was a silence.

"Stubborn cat-boy thing." You mutter walking into your room. "Nobu?" No one was in your room. Odd. You check your mom's room next. "Nobu!" No one.

"You better not jump out and scare me!!" You yell running down the stairs to your living room. Still quiet. Now this was really starting to concern you.

"Nobu! Stop it! This isn't funny anymore!" You say walking into the kitchen. Then you go into the basement to see if he's there. Nope. No one.

You quickly run back up to your living room. "Nobu!! Stop I'm getting worried!!" You plead out. Jogging up the stairs, you look in your room once more.

Then you notice something on your bed. Curious, you look walk to your bed and pick up the piece of clothing.

It was your dad's collage shirt with the curse word on it. Suddenly thunder rumbled out from outside. "Oh god..." You mumble.

"Nobu ran away..."

Oh, What A Horrible Life It Is (Your Neko Love Story) [Neko x Reader(girl)]Where stories live. Discover now