He's the Worst { 24 }

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I own the story and characters.
The only character I do not own is Charley Vents which belongs to TheAngleGamer.
I did NOT copy off of anyone's ideas, stories, or books!
Remember to vote and comment!


Pacing your way along the street, you and Nobu held hands while walking to school. He had woken you up on time (finally) and you two were early, so together you took your precious time.

"Hey, (f/n)?" Nobu asked, getting your attention. "Yeah, what's up?" You answer. "Do you think that the scientist are still after me?" He asked looking down at you slightly worried. "Well.." you started but then trailed off. You didn't want to worry him but you didn't want to lie to him. "I honestly don't know. But if they do come back, we are going to pound their faces in!" You say holding up a fist, teasingly. He chuckled softly. "You're right." He said with a smile "We'll take care of them if they come back."

Nobu's POV

We finally arrived at school after a peaceful stroll. School was still slightly odd to me. I don't really get the purpose of it.

After walking into the school and to homeroom, I spot Kanji sitting at his desk as usual, but on his phone listening to some music. I hated that guy. I think he has a crush on (f/n) and if he does, I'll pound his face in.

Kanji noticed us walk in and got up to greet (f/n). "Good morning!" He said politely with a light pink blush. Yes, he definitely has as a crush on (f/n). "Kanji, what do you want?" She asked, about as annoyed as I was.

"I just want a hug from my best friend!!" He said, suddenly pulling her into a bear hug. He then looked at me with an angered smirk. He motioned his thumb, which symbolized a knife, across his neck. I was shocked. He is trying to steal her away from me.

My claws felt like extending to rip his throat out, but I managed to contract them. Instead I just stick my tongue out at him.

"Um Kanji," (f/n) said patting his back awkwardly. "That's enough."  Kanji let go and smiled at her like he had done nothing. "Alright, have a good day!" He said walking off into the hall.

When he left I quickly pulled (f/n) into a corner. "He's trying to steal you away from me!!" I whispered. She laughed. "Yeah right, he knows I hate him. He doesn't have a chance with me. Plus I'm already with you. Plus, plus, he already has a crush on a girl named Amber." She explained.

Low key, I growled. I don't like him. I've never liked him.


The first bell finally rang and everyone was seated. "Alright students," the teacher began. "Through the month you are going to be assigned a partner to work on the project I am about to introduce..."

I pretty much zoned out the rest of what the project was going to be, but when it came to partners I tuned back in. "So the partners are..." The teacher looked at the computer and began to run off names. Eventually she got to my name. "Nobu and Aki,..." I looked over at Aki who looked back at me. With her I was bound to get an A. Playfully, I gave her a thumbs up. She giggled slightly and then looked back at the teacher.

But then I heard the second pair of names. The teacher cleared her throat. "(F/n) and Kanji..." I noticed that Kanji looked over at her and waved slightly with a bright smile. She rolled her eyes and drew her attention back to the teacher. Kanji then stood up and leaned over his desk to whisper in my ear. "She's mine now sucker." He murmured with a mischievous smirk. I growled slightly. "In your dreams, punk." I whisper back.

Geez! What was this guys problem?! He will never come over to our house. After reading out all the names the teacher announced something. "You are to work on this out of class..." I sigh at the announcement. Just my luck.


After school was over me and (f/n) started back to her house. But of course Kanji caught up with us. "Hey (f/n)!!" He called, running up behind us. Ugh, even the sound of him saying her name annoyed me. She sighed. "What do you want, Kanji?" She asked turing around to face him. "I was wondering if you'd like to start on the project early." He said. "But if we did you can't come over to my house. It's a mess right now." He sighed, acting embarrassed. 'Of course his house is a mess. He's a big fat swine.' I thought to myself.

She sighed again. "Sure whatever, you can come over to our house. Come on." She said motioning for him to follow us. He smiled in excitement and followed us. I held (f/n)'s hand to make sure he understood the boundaries.

When she wasn't looking I put my hand behind my back and flipped him the bird. His face showed disgusted, so he got the message. But then he did the same to me.

He's the worst.

Oh, What A Horrible Life It Is (Your Neko Love Story) [Neko x Reader(girl)]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora