Just Getting Settled... Oh God { 5 }

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I own the story and characters.
I did NOT copy off of anyone's ideas, stories, or books!
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"Wow really?!!" Aki said amazed from the other end of your cell phone. You plopped on your bed slightly annoyed and tired from the day.

"Yeah, really. And when we had dinner, he ate two chicken legs, three servings of mashed potatoes, a chicken breast, and an apple!" You explain, quietly yelling into your phone. "Man it sounds like he hasn't ate a meal since the dinosaur age!"

You sigh. "You know what the worst part is?" "What?" Aki asked curiously.

"Since our guest bedroom is full of junk he's sleeping in my room tonight."

A thud sound came from the other end of the line.

"...uh... Aki? You alright there?"

"Yeah sorry I just fell off my bed....HE'S SLEEPING IN YOUR ROOM?!!"

You pull the phone away from your ear. Man she can yell. "Yelling that loud he could probably hear you." You say under your breath, putting the phone back up to your ear. "Speaking of Nobu, where is he right now?" Aki asks.

"Uh, I think he's taking a shower."


Nobu's POV:

"Crap." I wince, touching the small metal plate that stuck out of my right shoulder blade. Back in the facility they used to hook up a tube to it, and then injected some sort of fluid into me through it. But it always hurts when I touch it.

I zip up the fly of my jeans and buckle the belt. Looking up into the mirror, I frown seeing my ears that sat atop my head and the tail that waved briskly behind me. I growl at myself in the mirror, also seeing my fangs. I extend my claws, which also released small patches of fur around my hand and wrist. Then I raised my hand up to my neck.


Your POV:

God I feel like a pervert.
You think to myself as you sneak my way to the bathroom.

This was Aki's idea. It is all Aki's fault. Aki gave you peer pressure.

When you arrived at the bathroom door you can see that's it's unlocked. Sweet. You open the door and immediately your eyes widen. You find yourself staring at the monster in front of you.

Oh god...


Nobu's POV:

With one claw I scrape them down the the side of my neck, letting blood trickle down onto my hand.

That is what I am...
I was not born... I was created...
I should not be here with these humans...
I should not be anywhere...

I dig further into my skin, making my gag reflexes active at the moment.

I should be dead.

My ears twitch and my tail stiffens. I remove my claw from my neck and look at the door that was slightly opened. I had sensed someone... But no one was there. Odd.

Suddenly reality just hit me on the head with a baseball bat.

Humans don't have claws. And they definitely don't cut themselves with the claws they don't have.

I panic and look around the bathroom to find something to cover up the blood. A bathroom towel! Of course! I quickly grab the towel that was hanging on the metal rack on the wall. Then I clean up the blood that had dripped on the tile floor and on my hand. After that I held it up to my neck where I was bleeding and tried to make it look natural.

I look at myself one last time in the mirror before retracting my claws, fangs, folding my ears back to make them look like my hair, and stuff my tail down the leg of my jeans. I sigh and walk out of the bathroom to (f/n)'s room.

When I entered her room I saw her sitting on her bed staring at me with a shocked and fearful look on her face. She then pointed her index finger at me.

"You... You're the one..."

Oh, What A Horrible Life It Is (Your Neko Love Story) [Neko x Reader(girl)]Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя