Internet Memes { 21 }

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I own the story and characters.
The only character I do not own is Charley Vents which belongs to TheAngleGamer.
I did NOT copy off of anyone's ideas, stories, or books!
Remember to vote and comment!

It was the next day and you and Nobu had been chilling out together in your room. You had a day off from school because of reasons you don't remember! Yay!

For a while you showed Nobu internet memes and he laughed his head off which made you laugh as well. While you were looking at the computer, out of the corner of your eye you could see Nobu fidgeting  with his collar.

Nobu tugged at his collar once more. "Does that thing annoy you that much?" You ask. He nodded and frowned slightly.

Suddenly the doorbell rang. You walked down stairs from your room to see who was at the door.

When you opened the door you see two male and one female police officers stand on the doormat.

"Hello." You greeted shakily. "We've had reports that someone had selling illegal alcohol in this area," the woman said "do you mind if we search your house?"

You knew what they were really here for.
They wanted Nobu. But then you remembered something about legal stuff. Huh, who new school provided helpful information.

"You don't have a warrant." You say. "I can deny your offer to enter my house if you don't have a warrant."

The man stepped in front of the woman and looked down at you menacingly. "Actually, this warrant says otherwise." He held out a document that was way to superficial for you to waste your time on reading it.

"Oh..." You say trying to think of an excuse to go upstairs to see Nobu. "I'll just go tell my mom that you're coming in... I don't want her to freak out."

Quickly, you ran upstairs to your room and burst through the door. Nobu flinched and looked up at you. "Hide!!" You quietly yell. "They're coming for you!!" You shut the door behind you and ran to your mother's room, where she was resting.

"Hey, ma! There are officers here because they're searching for illegal alcohol around the neighborhood." You tell her. "Do  have a warrant?" She asked. "Yes, they have a warrant."

You then went back down stairs and saw that the officers were searching all over the place. They then started heading upstairs and you followed behind them. They checked your mother's room and the guest bedroom.

Then they headed for your room. Your stomach twisted at the thought of them finding Nobu. When they opened the door Nobu wasn't there. They checked under your bed and then the woman opened the closet door.

She jumped back when a cat ran out and hid behind your legs. You were surprised too but then you went along with it. "There you are!" You say picking up the cat and cradling it in your arms. "I was looking for you everywhere!"

"Is that your cat?" The man asked. "Yeah." You respond. "It's my cat, uh..." You look around your room to find a name. "It's my cat, Ducktape!"

"..." "..." "..."
There was a long silence.

"You named your cat... Ducktape?" The woman asked. "Yeah! We named him Ducktape because as a kitten he always licked the sticky side of duck-tape!"

The cat dug it's claws in your arm. You winced with a tear rolling down your cheek but still kept a smile upon your face. "Yup... Lovely cat..."

The man rolled his eyes and finished searching the house. Once they were done you said goodbye to them and closed the door behind you.

Running up stairs, you thrust open your door to see Nobu sitting in front of the computer again. "You can turn into a cat?!!" You say excitedly. He nodded with a small smile on his face.

"Why did you turn into a cat instead of just hiding behind the house or something?" You ask. He smiled. "As Shia Labeouf  says, Just Do It!" He laughed. You smiled and shook your head.

"You're such a Noob."

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