Starting Price { 11 }

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I own the story and characters.
I did NOT copy off of anyone's ideas, stories, or books!
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"You gonna come with us, princess?"

"Come on it'll be fun!"

"She's cute isn't she?"

"Kinda defenseless as well."

The nine gang boys were all talking at once, overwhelming your senses. All you could do was stand there with your eyes closed and hope for the best.

Your probably saying 'well why don't I just call the police?!' Well you forgot your phone at home. Ha, sucks to be you.

What happened next was unbelievable. A back was faced to you and you could barely see anything, except for the blood that splattered completely across the wall across from you. Then a loud thud came after. You look up at the back of your saviors head to see two cat-like ears on top of their head.


A loud growl came from him as all of the gang members pulled out some type of weapon. "Stay away from her." Nobu snapped at them as his hands soon turned into furry paws with extra long claws. The gang boys looked terrified but stood their ground. Except for three of them that ran away. You even heard one say "I-I-I'm trippin!!"

"Look kid, I don't know what kinda magic you doing, but you better scurry on outa here before things get real ugly." The leader said. Nobu didn't respond. And clearly you didn't still being in a state of shock of what you saw before. "Alright you asked for it!" He yelled and swung his bat.

Nobu ducked and caught the bat in his hand. He flipped the bat over his head, sending the leader smashing into the wall behind you. A blood curdling crack echoed in your ears as you stayed frozen. His body fell limp behind you. Then the rest of the gang ran away.

Nobu waited a while before turning around to face you, his face expressionless. You both stared at each other in silence.

"Nobu..." You breathe after a bit. At the sound of your voice his expression turned to hurt. Tears start to gather in your eyes, making your vision blurry. Then you tackle hug him, dropping the umbrella in your hand. "Nobu!" He hesitantly held his hands around your waist, not really sure of the situation.

Quickly you wrestle out of the hug. "Nobu! You idiot!! Why the heck did you run away?!!" You yell at him. His ears immediately folded back.

"Um..." He said softly. But before he could finish lightning flashed in the sky. Instantly, he hugged you again, shivering slightly. "C-C-Can we go to your house first..?" He asked. You sigh as a smile slipped on your face. "Sure."


You open the front door and close your umbrella, leaving it next to the door. Nobu had been holding the edge of your jacket while walking back to your house. But by now, it was flat out annoying.

"Nobu." You say looking up at him. He tilts his head. Then you look down at his hand that was clutching your jacket. "Oh.." He said taking his hand off. "Sorry..."

You put your jacket up on the coat hook near the door. "Go dry yourself off." You sigh with frustration. "Um. Alright.." He said softly as he headed towards your bathroom.


Nobu's POV:

I can tell she's mad at me.

And scared.

I think to myself with a frown as I dry myself with a bath towel. Sighing, I look myself in the mirror yet again. Ugh. I still have the collar.

"How the hell do I get this thing off?" I mumble, pulling on it. "Crap." I give up and walk to the door. When I open it (f/n) was there holding out that tank top. "Here." She said. I look down at it and hesitantly take it from her. "U-Uh..." I stutter.

"Idiot." She says again. "Come with me." He grabbed my arm and dragged me to her room. She then sat me down on her bed. "You have some explaining to do." She said crossing her arms.

"Well... I guess I think this collar has a tracking system in it..." I say softly. "And I thought if I stay here then it will be easier for the people to track me..." I explain as my ears folded back with a small wince.

Her stern look turned into a softened one. "Do you know how to take the collar off?" She asked. "Um... No I don't..." I say softly.



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>yes no

The computer screen blackened and the man swiveled in his. "Port Moody, huh. I'm surprised he made it all the way out there." The man mumbled.

The door opened with a click. "Mr. Zangling, Mr. Addin would like to see you now." A woman said, standing in the door way to his office. "Ah, yes. Let him in." She nodded as another man entered the room. The woman soon left.

"Mr. Addin." the man started with an devilish grin.

"So what is your starting price?"

Oh, What A Horrible Life It Is (Your Neko Love Story) [Neko x Reader(girl)]Where stories live. Discover now