Hobo Count { 2 }

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I own the story and characters.
I did NOT copy off of anyone's ideas, stories, or books!
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"(F/n)!! Aki!! Breakfast is ready!!" Mother yelled from down stairs. "Alright hold on a sec!" Aki yells back.

"Come on how long does it take you to get dressed?!" Aki said facing the closet door, which you were changing in. "I can't find my skirt, okay?!" You say rummaging through your hamper. "Ah! Found ya!" You smirk as you put it on. "Thought you could get away from me, ay?"

"You and your obsessions with talking to objects." Aki rolled her eyes as you walked out of the closet. "Hey, just because I talk to non-living things doesn't mean I'm a crazy person."

"Uh, yeah it does."

You both walked down stairs and ate breakfast together. Oh how your mom makes breakfast. Yum yum~!

After that you both packed your bags and headed out for school. While you were walking out of nowhere Aki blurted out "Hobo count: 1!!"

Oh yeah, that's right. You both used to count how many Hobos you saw on the streets when you were little. "Guess I forgot about that" you thought.

You looked around the streets trying to find more hobos. You spotted another one. "Hobo count: 2!" You laugh.

"...hobo count:...3..." Aki mumbled. You caught her looking over into an alley. "What's wr-" you stop mid sentence when you saw a boy around your age rummaging through the dumpster. The boy was covered in filth and was only wearing ripped up jeans.


He had some ABS

You both stop in your tracks and stare at him. He found a bag of bread in the dumpster. Half of the bread was moldy and green, yet he didn't through it back in. He then looked over at you realizing that you two had been watching him. Quickly he ran down the alley until he was out of sight.

You both look at each other. After a while you break the silence.

"Are you thinking what I'm think-"
"Yeah I am."


Nobu's POV:

Did they see me?

I hope they didn't see me.

Hopefully they didn't notice.

I ran down the alley and turned a corner. I look down at the bread in the bag that I had found.

Well at least I have food.


Your POV:

"That boy looked a lot like Jun, didn't he?" You ponder as you and Aki walk down the halls of the school. "No, he looked more like Kanji."

"Aki. Everyone looks like Kanji to you."

"Who looks like me?" Kanji asked, standing right behind you. Both of you jump and face Kanji.
The little ninja!! You scream in your head. God I hate Kanji!!

Kanji is an 'idol' to mostly all of the girls in your school. Everyone looooves Kanji. Perfect hair. Perfect skin. And the perfect little ball of annoyance.

"For crabs sake!! Kanji! Don't sneek up on us like that!" You say annoyed. "You didn't answer my question." He stated. "Who looks like me?"
"No one important!" You reply immediately. Aki was just standing there staring at him.

Oh did I mention Aki has a crush on Kanji? Well she does.

Anyway Kanji rolled his eyes and patted our heads. "Yeah right! Well I'll find out someday!" Then he ran off to his next class.

"He touched me..." Aki fluttered.
While she was off in 'the-day-dreams-of-Kanji' land, you looked back at him.

Hobo count: hobo number three. I wonder if I'll see him again.

Oh, What A Horrible Life It Is (Your Neko Love Story) [Neko x Reader(girl)]Where stories live. Discover now