Sick? Or... Love Sick? { 14 }

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I own the story and characters.
I did NOT copy off of anyone's ideas, stories, or books!
And I do not own Advil or am in association with them. (Duh)
Remember to vote and comment!


Nobu's POV:

There was an immense pain in the back of my head. It was extremely bad to where I couldn't even move. I groaned and opened my eyes slightly.

In front of me stood a girl barely shorter than me. She looked a little like me if I was a girl...

She grinned evilly at me and started talking but my hearing was muffled and all I heard was: "Look out. Somethin' big is headed your way."


Everything blackened again. I tried opening my eyes again but this time my head hurt more. Again, I groaned slightly and squinted my eyes open.

When I did this time I was greeted by the concerned face of (f/n). "Are you alright?" She asked worryingly.

I tried to nod but that just made my head hurt more, making me wince. She felt my forehead with the back of her hand. "Do you need anything?" She asked. "No." I said, my voice sounding raspy.

"You sound terrible. Are you sure?" She asked again. "Well... Is there something that can make my head not hurt anymore?" I say quietly.

She nodded. "Yeah I think I have some Advil in my bathroom." She said, getting up and walking out of the room.

'Why is she taking care of me?'


Your POV:

When you close the door behind you, you take out the phone in your pocket and file a number. You set the phone next to your ear waiting for them to pick up.


"Hello?" Aki answered. "Hey Aki I was wondering," you start as you entered the bathroom and took out a bottle of pills from the cabinet "do you think it's okay to give Advil to cats?"

"Wait, what?"
"Yeah Nobu has a headache and I was just wondering."
"...what would cats have to do with Nobu?"

Oh, crap. You forgot you hadn't told Aki about Nobu's 'unique' traits.

"W-Well I guess he just acts like a cat a lot so that's why I asked." You say nervously. She laughed, making you sigh in relief internally.

"Um, yeah I think that's fine... Are you home alone?" She asked. "Um, yeah I am." You reply, confused at why she asked. "Holy Crap are you taking care of Nobu?!" She asked again. "Well sure I guess." You answer. "He seemed sick so I put him in bed."


A bright tomato blush plastered your face. "What are you talking about?!" You whisper-yell at her.

"Oh, your whispering that means you loooove him!!" She chimed. Now you were red all over and week at the knees.

"No!!" You yell back at her. Immediately you hang up the phone and shove it back in your pocket. You'll have to contemplate on this later.

Angrily, you make a glass of water, grab the pill bottle, and step out of the bathroom.

When you enter your bed room, Nobu was sitting up and holding his head in his hand. You sat down next to him on your bed and placed the water on the floor.

"Here swallow this. Don't bite it." You said, handing him two Advil pills. He took the pills and swallowed them. Then he stuck his tongue out. "That tastes gross." He mumbled. "That's what the water's for." You smiled handing him the glass, which he drank.

"Are you sure your alright? You took quite a fall." You ask again. He nodded in response.

You sigh in relief.
'Thank god he's okay...'


"Goodnight, Nobu."
"Night." He replied as you flipped off the lights.

After a while, when you were sure Nobu was asleep, you look off the side of your bed where he was sleeping on the floor.

'No, I don't like him. He's just a boy...
Well, cat that is.' You think to yourself. You stare at him for a while in silence. He slowly inhaled and exhaled as his kitten ears twitched.

Soon a pinkish blush picked at your cheeks. 'Okayyy, maybe I was wrong.'

Quietly, you lift up your covers and sit on the floor next to Nobu. The night light glowed in the dark, which helped you to be able to not sit on his tail that was swaying slowly as he slept.

You stroked his tail gently. When you did he started purring softly. 'Aww just like a kitty.' Oh god.

You are really love sick.

Oh, What A Horrible Life It Is (Your Neko Love Story) [Neko x Reader(girl)]Where stories live. Discover now