Project N. O. B. A. { 13 }

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I own the story and characters.
I did NOT copy off of anyone's ideas, stories, or books!
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Project N. O. B. A. (Or Noba for short) walked down the middle of the abandoned road as the moon gleamed up above her. Her blue luminescent eyes helped her see in the blackness. Every time she walked by a light post, the light burned out. Though she ignored it.

Her main goal was to find where Project N. O. B. U. was. In her back pocket was a beeping tracker that was supposed to beep rapidly when she had gotten to Nobu.

Soon enough the tracker started going off. She stopped in her tracks and looked around. Only houses. So she took a large step to her left and the beeping slowed slightly. Then she took two big steps to her right and the tracker went crazy.

Noba took the tracker out of her pocket and powered it off, as she walked to her right. Without noticing she bumped into a door. "Ow." She muttered.

Reaching her hand out, she tried to open the door. Damn it. It was locked. She stepped back and observed the house for any way to enter.

One of the windows near the roof was slightly open. A smirk found it's way onto Noba's face as she crouched down. With a big thrust of her legs, she she sent herself up into the air.

Gracefully, she did a backflip and landed on the hearts of her feet on the roof. She then reached down and pulled up the window. Holding into the roof ledge, she jumped down and lunged herself into the house.

Noba landed on a plush carpent. She had jumped over a bed with a girl sleeping in it. There was also a boy sleeping about two feet away from Noba's feet.

The boy rolled over on his side revealing black cat ears that twitched on his head. 'Bingo' she thought.

Attached to her front pocket was a small tube-like case that was protecting a needle inside of it, that had a liquid inside of it. Noba pulled out the needle and bent down next to the sleeping Nobu.

She pressed the needle into the side of his neck and injected the liquid in his neck. He flinched slightly once Noba pulled out the needle out of his neck.

"He didn't even wake up?" She whispered to herself. "No wonder they want to get rid of him."


Your POV:

It's Sunday morning and you had been teaching Nobu how to play tic-tac-toe. But the lessons aren't going so well.

"So why are they X's and O's?" Nobu asked, tilting his head slightly. You sighed. "I don't know ask the person who made tic-tac-toe!" You said getting a little irritated. "Who made it then?" He asked.

"Ugh. Never mind." You muttered, as you started to put away the game. "We'll play tomorrow."

Just then your phone started to ring. Getting up, you walk over to your desk and answer the phone. "Hello?" You say.

"Hey, (f/n)!" Aki said on the other end of the line. "I was wondering if you'd want to go to the mall with me today?" She asked. "Uh..." You stutter looking back at Nobu.

"My mom's not home right now so do you mind if Nobu comes with us?" You ask. "Yeah that's fine." She replied.


After shopping your heart out with Aki, you and Nobu were walking down the sidewalk on your way home. Both of you were carrying five bags each (sadly only one of them was Nobu's).

"What are we going to do with all these bags?" Nobu asked. "Keep em'." You answered simply. "Why?" He asked again. "You never know when they could come in handy." You say with a smile.

Suddenly Nobu stopped in his tracks. You look back at him, a little concerned. "Something wrong?" You ask. He nodded slowly. "I don't feel well..."

"Let's go home and I can check it out." You say, walking back to him and linking your arms together since you know... You didn't really have any free hands right now.

As you walk down the sidewalk, you look up at him and see a blush planted on his face. 'Aww he's blushing' you internally giggle.

When you get to your house, you set down the bags and grab the key from your pocket. Just as you put the key in the door, you hear a thud behind you.

Quickly you turn around and see that Nobu had fallen over, unconscious.

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