The Hike

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Today we got in the big blue truck very early in the morning and went for a long ride.  Dad was in his seat holding the big wheel in front of him.  Mom was in 'her' seat and I was deciding that I wanted to sit with Mom.  Then I sat with Dad and then Mom said "Enough!" and put me in the back.

There is no wind in the back.  I like the front better.

After a while we stopped and got out. I looked around and didn't see very much except for lots of trees.  Dad said we were ready for our hike.  I didn't know what a hike was but I soon found out.

We walked for a very long time going up, up and up the whole way.  It was very warm.  Dad was walking very fast and Mom had to remind him that "No, we are NOT in the Marine Corps".  I dont' know what the Marine Corps is but I think Dad was in it a long long time ago.  Maybe he is trying to remember what it was like.

Mom was getting tired and slowing us up a lot. I had to wait for her over and over again.  She was complaining she forgot her water in the big blue truck. Dad told her that I was doing great and she was whining. He also told Mom that she had better push onward up the hill.  Mom told Dad not to get too close to the edge or there would be other pushing happening.  I think they were fighting.

All in all the hike was great though I didn't get the point.  After we went up the giant mountain, we came down again.

Like I said the other day, people are weird.

When we got home I was so tired I didn't want to play with the dog/cat thing or the biting game.  I went right to my corner and to sleep.

Mom and Dad laughed when they saw me.  I think that is what they had in mind all along.

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