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Well, I finally did it.

I got rid of most of the pink things in the dirt.  It took a lot of work and mostly when Mom wasn't looking because every time she saw me she made me stop so that I could play with her.

 idn't she know I was WORKING????

 I guess not.

Dad took me to a field today.  I ran a lot.  Dad kept throwing a ball.  Sometimes I would bring it to him to throw again.  Sometimes I just tried to eat the ball.

I like being outside in the yard.  I love the feeling of the green stuff especially in the early morning when it is wet.  I am liking my 'new home' a lot.  I have a huge comfortable beddy and I like to snuggle on it when Mom puts me inside.  Dad still doesn't like to put me in my 'new home' but Mom makes him do it.  I don't mind anymore.

The dog/cat thing continues to be annoying. I tried to stop her from running away by catching her tail with my teeth.  I don't think she liked it very much.  I know Mom didn't like it at all.  Sheesh.  Trying to play with it is not easy.  It is fast and because it is small it hides in places I can't get to like under the coffee table.  The other problem is she is allowed on the big comfortable place where Mom and Dad sit and I am not.  When I try to get up on it, Mom or Dad and sometimes both of them yell "Down!"


Today when Mom took me for my 'poops' walk the lady in the house next door said I got very big in one week.  I was happy to hear that.

 Mom keeps giving me new toys to play with but I still like eating the rug the best. 

Well, I am very tired now.  I am a pooped pup as Mom calls me.  I have to rest because I saw some more pink things in the dirt I didn't get to today.  Another work day is waiting for me!

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