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"Wait what is going on here ? " I ask as the door closes behind me . I turn around to find Isabella standing against the door with a blank expression on her face . I turn back to the two men standing behind the desk and frown .

"Edward my boy . How are you ? " Eric asks and I scoff .

"I've been kidnapped but other than that I'm utterly pissed . " I say and she smiles .

"Glad your okay . We have to talk . " he says and I roll my eyes .

"No shit . You must be sherlock homes . " I say and he clinches his jaw .

"You better sit down pup or I'll make you sit . " he says and I shake my head .

"I'm fine standing . " I say and keep my voice cold .

"Okay , so let's get to it . " his friend says and I cock my head to the side .

"Who are you suppose to be exactly ? " I ask and he looks at me for a long time .

"Marcus . " he says and I nod slowly .

"So why am I here ? " I ask and she smirks .

"You are apart if the royal family . " he says and I nod .

"You've said that . Why am I here ? " I ask again and he laughs .

"We need your power . " he says and I nod .

"So you have Eric . I mean you say my mother is royal so use him he is one to seeing he is my mother's brother . " I say and Eric scoffs .

"I'm not her brother . She's the daughter of a royal . My parents got chosen to protect her till she's eighteen . " he says and I nod .

"So why take me ? " I ask and Marcus sighs .

"You are a royal . " he says and I nod .

"Apparently so what do you want from me ? " I ask and he looks at me like I'm crazy .

"Do you not understand ? " he asks and I shake my head . In truth I understand perfectly.
"Your a royal so that means you have abilities other wolf's doesn't . Like you can see into the future . Your wolf's are always black or white depending on what you can do . You unlock your power when you shift for the first time . That is if you want to use it . " he says and I nod .

"But I'm not shifting . " I say and he nods .

"But we can make you shift . " he says and I frown .

"What do you mean ? " I ask and he sighs .

"How stupid are you kid ? " he asks and I shrug .

"I'm not completely useless if that's what you mean . " I say and Eric groans .

"Isabella take him back to his room . We'll talk later . " he says and the door opens behind me . I stare at Eric for a few minutes before turning around and walking out . We walk back in silence and when we come to the room Isabella let's out a long sigh .

"What did you just do back there ? " she asks and I shrug going to stand by the window .

"Something my dad thought me . Never show how scared you ate even if you are ready to pis your pants . " I say and look at her .

"I thought they where gonna punish you . " she says in a whisper and for the first time since we came back I can see how scared she was . I move to stand in front of her and take her cheek in my hand .

"They can't do anything to harm me . They need me . I'm no good to them dead or hurt . " I say and she nods leaning into my touch .

"Can I tell you something ? " she ask and I nod.

"Yeah , anything . " I say and she pulls back and looks me in the eye .

"For the first time since my mother died I feel safe . " she says just above a whisper and I smile .

"I'm glad . " I say . Because I might be your mate . I add in my head . I can't tell her that . She would freak out and not talk to me anymore and then no one will help me get out of this place and I have to .

"Edward ? " she asks and I look down at her .

"Yeah ? " I ask and she laughs .

"You where spacing out . " she says and I give her a small smile .

"Sorry . " I mumble and she nods .

"We have to leave soon . " she says and I nod .

"How about tonight ? " I ask and she looks at me like I'm crazy .

"We can't leave tonight . You are still weak . " she says and I shake my head .

"I'm fine . Let's just leave tonight . We can go back to my pack and be safe . We can get help of they come after us . " I say and she looks up at me .

"We ? " she asks and I nod .

"Yeah , I want you to come with me . " I say and she shakes her head .

"I'm taking you to the border which is nor far from here . You can step over on to your land and go be happy . I belong here . I can't go with you . " she says and I shake my head .

"Yes , you can . You can come with me and be safe . I'm not leaving here without you . " I say and she sighs .

"Why do you want me to come with you so bad ? " she asks and I shake my head .

"If I yell you I might send you running for the hills . Just trust me and come with me , please . " I beg and she looks away for a couple of minutes before nodding .

"Yeah , okay . " she says and I smile . "I have to go , I'll see you later . " she says and I nod. She walks out and I wish I could follow her . I wish I could kiss her and wait what ? I shake my head and turn to the window .

She comes back for lunch and dinner and Eric never calls for me . She told me they went out to do something . Now all we have to do is wait for tonight and escape .

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