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Fourteen years later


I'm sitting on the couch and going through the TV channels mindlessly . My ant Amanda is suppose to be waching me , but she being the luna of another pack can't . Mom and dad left me alone after an hour of persuading them I'm not a child anymore . I can honestly say my mom is the best mother I could have wished for . She always makes pancakes for breakfast and sometimes diner . She can make me smile which is pretty hard to do . I'm attached to my mother and I wouldn't have it any other way . I hear my mom's laughing which makes me smile . She and dad enters the house and sits on the couch facing me .

"Edward could we please talk to you ? " she asks and I nod .

"Jup ! " I say and switch the TV of . "So ? " I ask and she and dad looks at each other before looking back to me . She has a smile on her face which I don't know what it's from but I put must be something good if she smiles like that .

"I'm pregnant . " she says and my heart nearly stops . My mother pregnant . How ? Well I know how but why now ?

"Why ? " I ask and cock my head to the side . Her smile drops and it makes me feel guilty.

"What do you mean ? " she asks and I shrug .

"Why are you pregnant again ? " I ask and my dad clears his thought .

"I thought you would be happy for your mother . " he says and I look at him .

"Why would I be happy that I have to share her ? " I ask and my mother gives me a small smile .

"I have more than enough love to give the both of you . " she says and I shake my head .

"Once that baby comes you won't look at me twice . " I say and I can see the hurt in her eyes . But I am also hurt . She can't go and have a nother baby and leave me to rot .

"How can you say that ? " she asks and I shake my head .

"I don't wanna share you . " I say and she sighs .

"You had me all to yourself for fourteen years next week fifteen . You will have to make some changes but the baby is gonna have to share my with you for the rest of her life . " she says and I nod .

"That doesn't make it any better . " I say and she sighs .

"Why are you being so difficult ? " my father ask and I shrug .

"I don't feel the need to share my mother . It's like I'm not enough anymore . " I tell them and my father walks out of the room but mom remains sitting .

"How can you think that ? You are enough for us . But we are happy to have this baby . I would like to think you would be too . " she says and I sigh .

"I just don't like the idea if sharing my mother . " I tell her and she nods .

"Yeah , but your the one who has to protect this baby when dad and I aren't around anymore . You will have to be the best brother this baby would even wish for . You have to love her so much you want to replace me with her . " she says and I think about what she said . I mean yeah I would like to have my mother to myself for a few more years maybe till I'm eighteen . But she seems happy at this news and seeing her happy makes me happy . I mean I can stand a baby brother or sister if it makes her happy .

"If the pup is a girl you think I could beat up guys to stay away form her ? " I ask and my mother smiles .

"Yes but not her mate though . " she says and I scoff .

"We'll see ." I tell her and she laughs .

"So your okay whit it ? " she asks and I slowly nod .

"It would take some time to get used to but yeah , I think I would quite enjoy beating up guys for my sister's safety . " I say and she laughs .

"How about we make some pancakes for diner ? " she asks and I smile .

"I'll cut the fruit and you make the pancakes cause I can't cook shit . " I say and she frowns .

"Langue ! " she shouts and I laugh . We make some pancakes and I go upstairs to call my father down for diner .

"Dad ? " I ask and I walk into the room . He looks up form nod book and smiles at me .

"Yeah ? " he asks and I can't help but see how alike we are .

"Diner . And I'm sorry about this afternoon . " I mumble the last part just loud enough for him to hear .

"It's okay . I understand . I was like that when my sister was born . " he says and I smirk .

"I bet she drove you crazy . " I say as we make our way our the room .

"Yeah , she made me play doll with her . You have that to look forward to if it's a girl . " he says and I groan .

"I'm starting to regret being okay with this . " I say and he laughs ad we enter the kitchen

"Juts think of all the guys you get to beat up . " he whispers in my ear so mom won't her and I grin form ear to ear . I might be closer to my mother than my dad but he is the coolest dad ever . Sometimes I forget he is an alpha . He always makes time for us and I wouldn't mind ending up like him .


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