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I wake up with heavy breathing . Why did I have that dream ? What did it mean .?Why was Isabella in my dream ? Why did I tell her I loved her ? I look around the room to see it's not even light out yet . Sighing I close my eyes hoping to get some sleep .

Edward's dream

I walk into the house and thrown my keys on the table . Sighing I smile when I hear the TV playing . I walk into the living room and see my mate sitting on the couch . Her belly swollen as she rubs it and looks at the TV .I take in her beauty . Her hair moved to one hour let hanging to her hips . Her lips full and her hazel eyes nor looking away form the TV. She looks like a angel . My angel .

"Hi , baby . " I say and her hear shoots up and she smiles at me .

"Hey , how long have you been standing there ? " she asks as I walk closer to her .

"A few minutes . " I say and sit down next to her pulling why body to mine . She snuggles up to me and smiles up at me .

"How was your day ? " she asks and I shrug .

"It was okay . I missed you though . " I say and she grins .

"I missed you too and I wanted some pancakes and pickles and strawberries and yelly babies. " she says and I laugh .

"Yeah ? " I ask and she nods .

"Yeah , but you know what I want now ? " she asks and I smile .

"What ? " I ask and she leans to my ear blowing on it making me shiver like only she can .

"Edward kisses . " she says and I laugh giving her a peck on the lips . I move my hand to her neck pulling her face close to mine . Our lips mold together perfectly like always . When she pulls back she smiles at me .

"I love you , Isabella , Esme , Rosalind Clearwater . " I mumble against her lips and she smiles .

"I love you Edward , Alexander Clearwater . " ....

I wake up to someone shaking me lightly . I open my eyes to look into the same hazel eyes from my dream . I just look into her eyes until she blinks and pulls away .

"Sorry , I brought you breakfast . " she says and I nod . She gives me a tray full of food . Some pancakes and eggs and bacon . I smile at her .

"Thank you . " I say and start eating . She moves to the closet and comes our a while later with a bundle of clothes and put then in the bathroom . She goes out of the room and comes back with a few towels and a bag with stuff and also put them in the bathroom.

I wach her as I eat . Could it be that she was my mate . I won't know until I shift but the dreams . She was the girl in both dreams and I told her I loved her and she said it back . Why did I have those dreams ? What could they mean ? I had only met her yesterday and she wanted to help me get out of here. Was it because I was her mate maybe ? She is so difrent from her father it's not even a joke .

"Edward are you listening ? " he voice rings through bringing me back to reality .

"No , sorry . What did you say ? " I ask and she laughs . A laugh that sounds like music to my ears .

"I said I put everything you need in the bathroom , when your done you have to come with me . " she says she voice full of humor . I crack a smile and nod .

"Sure , where are we going ? " I ask and her smile falls .

"To see the alpha . " she says her voice void if any emotion . I hate seeing her like this for some reason I think I might just know . She puts up a wall each time she talks about her father and I can't help but hate the man more for it .

"Okay , so what is your favourite color ?" I ask and she gives me a small smile .

"Green , yours ? " she asks and I sigh .

"Green . " I say and she laughs .

"Finish your food so I can take you to the big bad monster . " she says with a smile and I laugh .

"Not him anywhere but him . " I say and she burst out laughing .

"I can take you somewhere else . Where would you like to go ? " she asks as she leans against the wall .

"Maybe you could show me your room . I would love too see where you sleep . " I say and and blushes . "Are you blushing ? " I ask and she looks at the floor .

"No , why would you think that ? " she asks and I laugh . She blushes more which makes his skin looks amazing with the tint of red that's not so overwhelming but can still be easily seen .

"I think you are . " I tease and she sticks out her tongue at me .

"Shut up . " she mumbles and I laugh . She laughs along with me after a few seconds . When we're done laughing and I'm done eating she leaves the room and leaves me to get dressed .

I climb of the bed , my body not so sore as yesterday . I walk into the bathroom and turn on the shower waiting for it to warm up . Taking the black bag I open it and find all I need for a shower . After my shower I dry of and put on the clothes . Pulling up the sweatpants I take the shirt in my hands and walk into the bedroom drying my hair . Just as I'm done with my hair the door opens and Isabella walks in . Her eyes meets mine and moves down my body to my chest . I feel shivers run up my spine under her gaze . Her eyes are glued to my chest . I looks at her and take in what she's wearing . A long sleeved crop top that hits just below her belly button with high waisted shorts and she has no shoes on . My eyes seems to be glued to the small amount of her stomach her top is showing .

"I'm sorry , I didn't mean to stare . " she says snapping me out of my daze . I nod and pull on the shirt . It a tank top showing of my biceps . "Can't diside if you look better with the shirt than without it . " she mumbles and I have the feeling I wasn't suppose to hear that . My thoughts are confirmed when she slams her hand over her mouth . "That wasn't to be heard by anyone except me . " she says and I laugh .

"It's fine . I kind of like that , I'll take it as a compliment . " I tell her and she nods . She closes her eyes for a moment and sighs shaking her head .

"Come on the sooner I take you too him the better . " she says and I nod . She has a nervous look on her face and I walk to her cupping her cheek making goosebumps appear on our skin .

"It's going to be okay . " I tell her and she leans into my touch before pulling away .

"Let's hope. " she says opening the door for me and following behind me . She walks in front of me and I see her back clearly . The back of the top shows of just one or two marks and if I didn't know any better I would have thought she got them from falling or something .

She stops on front of a big wooden door and knocks lightly before opening it motioning for me to go inside . And there behind the desk sits not only Isabella's father bur my uncle Eric ...

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