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I had a wonderful day with Amanda . We went to do our hair and nails and just talk about normal girl stuff . I was happy to get out of the house and now I'm glad Alex talked me over of course he had to pull the baby card on me but I'm not complaining . Walking into the house I place my keys on the table before making my way to the living room to find no one there . I walk through the house and to find it emty . I try mind liking Alex but for some reason he blocked me . Finding it weird I walk out of the house and look around . Sighing I walk back in and sit on the couch flipping mindlessly through the channels . I wach TV until I hear the front door open . Looking at the time my eyes bulge when I see the time . It's like two minutes until one in the morning .

"Prinsess , what are you doing up ? " Alex asks as he walks into the room .

"Well I came home and found it emty . Where where you and where is Edward ? " I ask and he gulps . The look on his face says somethings wrong he had the same look when he told me about the rouge attack . "Where is my son ? " I ask slowly . He shakes his head and looks to the ground .

"I don't know . We followed his scent to to the waterfall but it disappeared there mixed with the smell if rouges . " he tells me and it feels like all the air have been nocked out of me .

"What ? " I ask praying and hoping I heard him wrong .

"I'm sorry , prinsess . " he says and wraps me into a hug . His touch claim me some .

"How did this happen ? " I ask and he sighs .

"When you left this morning he came a few minutes after . He told me he was with Vilot and put up an argument when I told him he was grounded and wasn't suppose to go anywhere . We fought for some time and I just got tiered of it and walked out of the room. I left him in here and when I came to check on him and hour later he was gone . " he says and I nod to numb to do anything .

My son is gone . I can't imagine where he is now . If he's hurt or not . If he's scared . Probably . I can't imagine what must be going through his mind now . How can this happen . When had everything gone so wrong ? Alex shakes me lightly and I look up at him .

"What ? " I ask my voice just above a whisper .

"I said come to bed . You have to sleep . " he says and I nod . He leads me up to bed and I put on my pajamas in silence and go to sleep curling up to him and praying that my son will be okay .


My head is hurting and I fell like I've been run over by a truck . It hurts to move to breath even just to think . I open my eyes slowly and close them as the light comes into contact with them . Blinking Blinking few times I turn my head and look around me . Even my neck hurts what in the hell happened . The door opens and in walks a young girl . Probably about my age . She closes the door being her and looks at me .

"What ... " I trail of . My throat is dry . She seems to be understanding what's wrong and gets me some water from the bathroom . The water fells like heaven against my dry throat . When I'm done she goes back to standing at the door .

"Your alpha Alexander's son aren't you ? " she asks and I nod .

"Yeah , what am I doing here ? " I ask and she sighs .

"I don't really know , but my dad said that your someone important . " she says and I frown .

"What does you dad want with me ? " I ask and she shrugs .

"I don't know , I'm not even suppose to be here . " she says and I frown .

"Than why are you ? " I ask and she sighs .

"Cause I want to help you get out . " she says and I frown . I look at her for the first time since she came in here . She has hazel eyes and long back hair tied in a ponytail . Her light brown skin works with who hair and she has full lips . She is fairly short compared to me and I can't help but wonder what it would be like to run my hands through her hair .... Wait what ?! I snap back to reality and look her in the eye , eyes I can get lost in .

"Why would you wanna help me ? " I ask and she shrugs .

"I don't know . I just have the urge to help you . And besides I'm turning fifteen next week can you blame me for not wanting anyone to cause trouble before them . And I have a feeling you will stir up trouble and then some . " she says and I sigh .

"Wait .. you turn fifteen next week ? " I ask and she nods . "When ? " I ask and she sighs .

"I shouldn't tell you these things , but Friday . " she say and I grin .

"I turn fifteen next Wednesday . " I say and a small smile plays on her lips . Then I remember I'm still being held against my will here .

"You said that you would help me get out ? " I ask and she nods .

"Yeah , I mean , my father isn't the kindest person to be around and he would probably kill me for helping you but I can handel him . I would probably get locked up but I've had worse . " she says and then her eyes bulge like she said something she shouldn't have .

"What do you mean get locked up ? " I ask and she sighs .

"I might as well tell you . " she says and I frown .

"Tell me what ? " I ask and she walks to my side slowly . I sit up even through my body begs me not to . She comes to a stop a foot in front of the bed before turning around and lifting her shirt . I frown but then my eyes lands on het back and I gasp . She has all kinds of marks on het back . I lift my hand up and touch one of the mark lightly . She gaps and I can guess why . Her skin is covered with goosebumps as myne is the same . I run my fingers over each mark almost as if by doing that they'll go away .

"It started when I was ten . " she says and fixes her shirt before turning back to me . "I was helping my mother in the kitchen and the my dad called her . She went and then I heard her scream . I ran into their room to find her on the floor and he was standing over her . I came in just as he hit her and screamed . Her eyes went wide and she was scared yelling for me to go , but I couldn't and before I knew it I was pounding my fist in his sides crying and yelling at him telling him how wrong he was .

"He didn't like that so he took my by my hair and slammed me to the ground . It only got worse from there . He would come and beat me at random times but he aways kept it out of my face . He beat my mother to death when she tried to run away with me one day and told everyone that she was attacked by rouges . He told me that if I told anyone he would kill me so I didn't . He would beat me and tell me it's my fault she died . He pulled me out of school and told everyone it was to much for me dealing with my mother's dead. But last year he just stopped pretending . Something finally snapped and he became the man he is with me to everyone .

"Look I don't even know why I'm telling you all this , but I have this strange feeling I can trust you . " she says and I nod . It makes me mad to think that her own father did that to her . It makes me sick to think he could kill his own mate . Just as I am about to say something I hear foot steps down the hall and the girls eyes widen . I point to the closet and she nods walking in and shutting the door behind her just when a man walks in .

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