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"Edward ! " I yell for my fourteen year old son .

"Dad ? " he asks as he peeks into the office .

"Come in . " I say and he comes in sitting on the chair .

"What's up ? " he asks and looks around the place .

"What is this about you doing patrol with the guards ? " I ask and he gives me a nervous look .

"Umm . " he mumbles his eyes looking everywhere but myne .

"What did I say abut that ? " I ask and he looks down at the floor .

"That you would ground me . " he says and I nod .

"Yeah , and now your grounded for the whole month . " I say and his eyes darts up to myne .

"That's not fair ! " he yells and I sigh .

"Not only is it fair but it's final . " I say and he gets up and walks out of the office . I follow him knowing where he is going . I walk into the living room just seconds after him .

"Tell dad he's not being fair . " he says and Liz looks up from the book she's reading .

"Not fair about what ? " she asks and closes the book .

"He's grounding me for a whole month . " he tells her and she looks at me and then back at him .

"Why , Alex ? " she asks and I sigh .

"He was om patrol with the guards . " I say and she looks at Ed with a disappointing look.

"I thought we where done with that . I'm not almost losing you again. " she says and his anger diapers .

"Mom I'm still here . " he says and she shakes her head .

"That is beside the point . Last time you went on patrol with the guards you where hurt in a rouge attack . Why do you think they patrol ? I agree with your father . " she says and his eyes goes wide .

"What about my birthday ? " he asks and I sigh .

"You'll still have your party . " I say and he nods .

"But that is still not fair . " he wines and Elizabeth gets up form the couch and looks him in the eye .

"It's fair . Until you shift a year from now you will not be going into the woods without your father or me present . " she says in her luna tone which she rarely use . Edward just nods and walks put of the room . "I hate doing that . " she says and I walk to ear side .

"I know prinsess but you are just protecting him and he has to understand . " I tell her and she nods .

"Yeah , it doesn't make it any easier . " she says and sits back down . "I think I'm going to call Amanda over tomorrow . " she says and I nod .


I walk out of the living room and out the front door . How dare she tell me what to do . I mean yea I could have died but I didn't and I'm fine . How does she not see that ? This is compleat and utter bull shit . I know I'm not even suppose to be outside since I'm grounded but I can't be home and say something I know I'll regret .

"Edward ! " I hear my name being called and I look up to see Vilot walking to me . She's my best friend . She has been event since I was like five .

"Hey , Vi . " I say as she comes to a stop next to me .

"What are you doing today ? " she asks and I groan.

"I'm suppose to be grounded . " I say and she laughs .

"I told you not to go . You just never listen . How long ? " she asks and I church up my nose.

"A month . " I say and she gasp .

"What about your party ? " she asks as we start walking .

"I'm still having it . But I don't know of they'll let me go on the trip . " I tell her and she looks up from kicking stones .

"You haven't asked have you ? " she calls me out and I shake my head . "Edward , you promised you would ! " she yells and I nod .

"I know and I was going to but then he found out . " I say and she scoffs .

"You could have asked yesterday or last week when I asked you to come with . " she tells me and I sigh .

"Mom's having another baby . " I mumble and she looks at me like I'm crazy .

"Don't make such jokes . " she says and I shake my head .

"I'm not . She's having another pup . " I say and Vilot's eyes lites up .

"Really , oh my gosh . We have to like get her a present . " she says and I shake my head .

"I'm not getting shit . Me be okay with this is enough . " I say and she shoves me .

"We're getting her something and your going to give it to her . " she says and I groan .

"If I could say no to you I would . " I say and she gives me a grin .

"So what are we getting her ? " she ask and I shrug .

"I don't know . This was your idea . I dint want to get shit . " I say and she sends me a glare .

"Let's get her cheesecake . " she says and I lift my brow .

"You want to get my mother cheesecake ? " I ask her and she nods .

"Yeah , my mom could bake it for her . She loves my mother's cakes . " she says and I nod.

"Yeah , okay . But what if you change your mind in the next hour then what ? " I ask and she looks up from the ground .

"I won't change my mind . " she says and I scoff .

"I know you . You can't even make up your mind about an ice cream flavour . " I say and she grins .

"Why would you wanna make up your mind . There is so many flavours to choose from why choose just one ? " she ask with a cheeky smile .

"Your weird . " I tell her and she shoves me .

"Your suppose to be grounded . I could tell your father where you are . " she says and I send her a glare .

"Don't you dare . I'm going to cut your hair I'm your sleep if you do . " I say and she scoffs.

"I'm not Madason who worries about her hair every second of the day . " she says and I nod . That's why she's my best friend . She isn't like any other girl I've met . She would rather play with a toy car than a doll when we where little and she can fix cares . She works like a guy and she isn't afraid to eat in front of me either .

"Yeah , your not . No wonder you tie your hair in a ponytail everyday . " I say and she nods . We go to the house and eat pizza that her mom made , the women can cook . And then we play video games for the rest of the night . I fall asleep on the floor of her blue painted bedroom and forget about my father grounding me completely .

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