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He has dark skin and hazel eyes kind of like the girl . So this must be her father . He looks at me before sniffing the air . He looks at the closet and I pray he doesn't find her . He looks back at me and smirks before making his way to the closet and jacking it open to find it emty .

"Was there a girl in here ? " he ask and I shake my head .

"I don't know I juts woke up a minute ago . " I say and he looks at me long before nodding .

"Do you know why you are here ? " he asks and I shake my head .

"No . " I say and he laughs .

"How is it possible that you don't know ? " he asks and I frown .

"What ? " I ask and he laughs .

"Your from royal blood and you don't know ? " he asks and I frown .

"I'm not from royal blood ." I say and he laughs .

"Of course you are . Your mother is to . Not your father though . But being mated to a royal makes him royal . " he says and my frown deepens .

"How can someone be from royal blood and not know it ? " I ask and he laughs .

"I also want to find out , but for now , I'm gonna leave you to rest and check up on you later . We can have a long talk then . " he says and walks out of the room . He closes the door behind him and I hear it lock . A few minutes after he leaves the girl comes put if the closet again .

"What , where did you come from ? " I ask and she points to the roof of the closet .

"Hid on one of the racks . " she says and I nod .

"Wait what is your name ? " I ask and she looks at me for a while . She sighs and says .

"Isabella . " she says and I nod . "What's yours ? " she ask and I shrug .

"Edward . " I say and she nods .

"You have a second name ? " she ask and I nod .

"Alexander , you ? " I ask and she nods .

"I have three names . My mother's and my grandmothers . " she says and I nod .

"May I hear them ? " I ask and she sighs .

"Isabella , Esme , Rosalind Black . " she says and I smile .

"I like you name . " I say and she smiles to .

"Me too . Edward . " she says and my name on her tounge sends chills down my back . I shake of the feeling and look at the door .

"He locked it . " I state and she nods pulling out a key of her own .

"Had a feeling he would . " she says and I laugh quietly .

"Your something else . How am I gonna get out of here ? " I ask and she smirks .

"Well there is tunnels that runs under the house . My grandfather showed it to me when I was like nine . He gave me a map of the tunnels . " she says and I nod .

"But wouldn't your dad know about them ? " I ask and she shakes her head .

"No , he told me not to tell anyone and use it when I have to get away . " she says and I nod .

"So how are we doing this ? " I ask and she sighs .

"We are gonna have to wait a few days . Your hurt and can't move around like that . Now my father is nor a stupid man . He will feed you enough and give you water and clothes and take care of you , cause you have to be at your strongest for what ever he planes on doing . " she says and I nod .

"How long ? " I ask and he shrugs .

"How ever long you take to get well . He will send me with food for you and stuff like that so that makes planing easier . We will have to get out of here by this time next month cause that is when he planes to do what he want . " she says and I nod .

"So what happens if we escape ? I mean what happens to you after that . Will you come back or what ? " I ask and she sighs .

"I have to come back . This is my home . He will find me and since I'm not sixteen yet I can't shift and run away . " she says and I nod .

"Okay , so what now ? " I ask and she gives me a small smile .

"For now just rest and I'll see you tomorrow morning when I bring get you food . " she says and turns to the door .

"Why are you doing this ? " I ask again and she looks at the ground before looking back at me .

"Cause something in me tells me to . " she says and then walks out . I hear the faint sound of the door locking and sigh lying down again . Darkness takes over after some time .

Edwards dream

I'm running in a field . It's green and filled with flowers . I'm chasing someone . The girl has black hair running over her shoulders . Her light brown skin is shining in the sun . She's wearing a light blue crop top with shorts and no shoes on her feet . Her laughter echos through the field as she laughs .

"I'm gonna get you ! " I yell and she turns around her hazel eyes meeting mine .

"Your to slow ! " she yells before running again . I push forward to full speed and in no time I'm caching her around her waist .

"I got you . " I whisper in her ear and she giggles .

"That you did . " she says and turns around in my arms . My hands rest on her waist and he arms moves to my neck .

"I believe I get a prise . " I say and she grins .

"Is that so ? " she asks and I nod.

"I believe so . " I say and she stands on her toes and kisses my cheek .

"You call that a kiss ? " I ask in her ear and I feel the shivers running through her . I move my one hand to her neck and pull her face to mine . He lips moves with myne and sparks fly. When she pulls back she looks at me and I smile .

"I love you . " I mumble against her lips and she grins .

"I love you . " ...

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