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It's been two whole days since the birth of Edward and Elizabeth has yet to wake up . The only thing keeping me from going mad is our son . I look down at his sleeping form and he moves in my arms getting comfortable .

I stare at my sleeping mate . Wondering how long it will take her to wake up . How long until she gets to meet her son and Edward can meet his mother . I sigh and place Edward in his crib at the foot of the bed .

I go down stairs to find Amanda sitting at the table with her head on her arms . She looks up when I enter and frowns . She looks like she's been crying and I wonder why .

"What's wrong ? " I ask and she sighs .

"Emit is going away for alpha training . " she says and I smirk .

"Yeah ? " I ask and she nods .

"Yeah , that sucks . " she mumbles and I laugh .

"It won't be that bad . Unless you have a mark . " I say and she stays quite . No .... "He marked you ?! " I yell and she flinches .

"It was bound to happen some time . " she says looking down .

"Yeah , try when you are eighteen . " I mumble and walk back upstairs .

I hear a soft moan and stiffen . Can it be ? I rush into the room just in time to see Elizabeth open her eyes . I rush to her side and take her hand in myne instantly calming me .

"What happened ? " she ask her voice rough .

"Your body couldn't take the birth . " I say and her eyes widen .

"Is the baby okay ? " she ask and I nod . She relaxes visibly and smiles .

"Wanna see your son ? " I ask and she nods .

I walk to Edward's crib and pick him up . He opens his eyes and I smile down at him . I place him in Elizabeth's arms and she smiles . He looks up at her bringing her small hand to her face . He let's out a laugh and her smile brightens .

"You two are going to give me all my days . " I mumble and she laughs .

"Can I have some water ? " she asks and I nod leaving her with our son . When I walk into the kitchen Amanda is gone . I get Elizabeth a glass of water and head back upstairs. She drinks the water and continues to look at Edward .

"What is his name ? " she ask . We have been fighting over names for the last month .

"Edward, Alexander Clearwater. " I say and she looks at me .

"You chose my name ? " she ask and I nod .

"How could I not , prinsess ? " I ask and she smiles at me .

"He's asleep . " she mumbles and I take him form her placing him in is crib .

"How are you feeling ? " I ask and she closes her eyes .

"Really hungry . " she says and I laugh .

"I see that hasn't changed . " I say and she glares at me .

"I've been sleeping for two days . " she says and I nod .

"Yeah , I'll make you something to eat . " I say and she nods .

"Run me a bath ? " she ask and I nod walking into the bathroom . I fill the tub with water and bubbles before making my way into the bedroom again . I help her into the bath before leaving to make her something to eat .


Sighing I sink lower into the warm water . My body feels so tiered . I can't believe I gave birth to that little angel in the bedroom . To think he might not have made it breaks my heart . He is so perfect . His blue eyes and the black hair .

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