Where are we Going?

Start from the beginning

"Katie are you alright?" I heard a voice ask from the doorway. I took a deep breath and wiped my teary eyes.

"Yeah, I'm fine."

"Ok, we need to pack your things and leave as quickly as possible." I nod my head and stood up. I walked past Heisuke and walked up the stairs, down the hall and into my room. My room was untouched, and that shocked me. I shook my head of thoughts and grabbed a bag from my closet.

I packed a lot of my clothes: t-shirts, long sleeve, sweaters, vests, skinny jeans, regular jeans, ripped jeans, pajamas and different pairs of shoes. That all fit into one bag. My other bag was filled with books, sketch pads, pencils, and color pencils. I even placed a picture of my mother, father, and I in the bag. A picture of just my mother, and another of just her and father.

I placed both bags by the door and just stared blankly at my somewhat bare room. I heard a knock and turned to see Sasuke. He gave me a small smile and saw the bags.

"That's all you're taking? Two bags nothing else?" I returned his smile.

"I just packed clothes, makeup, shoes, essentials, and some memories." He nods and picked both of them up. "Oh no, I can take them to the car!" I said offering my help.

"It's okay Katie, I've got it." He gave me one last smile, before leaving my sight. I like Sasuke, not as a lover, but more like a brother. He's funny, and can be serious at times but makes everyone laugh. I smile at the thought.

I walk down the hall and was about to turn, and go down the stairs when I heard voices. I stayed against the wall, listening in.

"Find anything?" I heard Heisuke's voice.

"No, none of Nobunaga's goons are here." Kortaro's deep yet quiet voice responded.

"Knowing them, that's not good, but I wonder what they're planning..." Heisuke trailed off.

"What are you guys standing here talking about?" Sasuke walked in. "Oh never mind,"

"I'm afraid whatever they're up to isn't good, I can sense it." Kortaro said. The room fell silent, I'm assuming that they're thinking. After a few moments of silence Kortaro spoke, "Where is the princess?"

Princess? What does he mean by that?

"I believe she is still in her room, at least she was when I took her bags." Sasuke interpreted. Oh no, I can't get caught eavesdropping! I heard a phone going off, then I heard Sasuke answer it.

"Hello," silent. "Saizo," so Sasuke is talking to Saizo. "Yes, she has her stuff packed. We were gonna leave shortly." I wish I knew what Saizo was saying. "Alright see you there."

"What's he saying?" Heisuke asks. Sasuke sighs and replied,

"Saizo and Goemon were scouting, when they stumbled upon Nobunaga's goons out patrolling the streets. He's growing impatient and is upping his game. Saizo said to meet him and Goemon at safe haven." I'm assuming the others nod in agreement.

"I'll go get her." Heisuke said. I heard his footsteps walk up the stairs. My mind just went blank, trying to put all the pieces of information in order. I turned around and saw a picture of Kuroro and I. I saw from the corner of my eye, Heisuke stop in his tracks. "Katie," he whispered.

I slowly turned and faced him. We stared at each other in silence, not daring to say a word. He broke the silence,

"What are you doing?" I slowly look back at the picture.

"Kuroro," was all I said above a whisper. I feel like I lost everything, first mom, then dad, and now Kuroro. I crossed my arms, and closed my eyes. Just wishing this was all a dream. I felt a pair of arms wrap around me, and was pulled to a chest. I knew it was Heisuke, by the way he was holding me. His gentle touch was never forgotten. He rubbed my back as a comforting manner.

"Katie, may I ask who Kuroro is?" Heisuke spoke softly in my ear. This made my body shiver, in a good way. I look up into his beautiful orbs, and said,

"She was my only friend, she was my cat." I pointed to the picture. "She never left my side, but I would leave her home sometimes. We were inseparable." I finished with a small sad smile. I looked down, but a soft hand pulled my chin up.

"We'll find her, and the way you described her; I'm sure she will find her way back." He gave an encouraging smile. He rubbed his thumb under my eyes, wiping away tears that slipped. A smile appeared and I leaned into his touch. His touch was warm, and inviting.

"I hope so," I spoke quietly. It's weird, I can be around the others afraid to speak, especially around Heisuke; but when I'm around Heisuke by ourselves, I feel safe? How can I feel safe with my ninja kidnappers? I don't know very much about them, besides the story of Japan.

"I came up here to get you, we're leaving."


"Somewhere," he said with a smile. I just followed him down the stairs to the others. I just noticed that they are not in their attire when I saw them on the street. Heisuke was wearing black jeans, a white shirt with a purple vest, and purple converse.

Sasuke was wearing black sweats, orange shoes, and an orange sweatshirt. Kortaro was in dark blue jeans, a white shirt, and a black jacket. How did I not notice this before? We walked out to the car, Kortaro driving, Sasuke up front, and Heisuke and I in the back.

The car pulled out of the driveway and onto the open road. We have been driving for a few hours, nothing but silence. I began to hum a song I once heard. I laid my head against the window, closing my eyes. After awhile I felt myself being laid down, and someone running their hand through my hair. This gesture made me relax, as I heard the others mumble. I guess I was too tired to register what was being said. The hand keep running through my hair, and shortly I was asleep...
I hoped you guys enjoyed it, please vote and comment.
If you remember the characters descriptions, then you can figure out who's who. You saw Heisuke in the last chapter. Let me know what you think, thanks!

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