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I wake up before Etheriel again, facing the wall with Etheriel holding me tightly and I consider going to sleep for a couple more hours because I am still really tired, but shifting across the room behind me causes me to freeze. Is it Eli? No, those symbols should keep him from finding us so easily. Is it just some robber? How can Etheriel still be sleeping when someone is in the room? My heart pounds violently against my chest and I can't hear anything else beside my heart.

"I know you're awake." I feel like my heart completely stops even though it was just Dominic. Relief floods over me and I slide out of Etheriel's grip and look at Dominic, sitting on the empty bed.

"What are you doing?" I whisper harshly, kind of mad that he scared me.

"I was bored." He shrugs like that makes it okay. Etheriel groans waking up and stares at me, confused, then turns and looks at Dominic, groaning again.

"Go back to Hell." Etheriel mumbles, his voice husky from just waking up and it's kind of attractive, and buries his head into the pillow. Dominic smiles, humored by this, and I can't help but smile a little too.

"Hell is no fun for me right now. Eli told Dad that I was helping Angels and aiding a Mortal." Something flickers across his abyss of eyes, something close to immense pain. "And he isn't very happy."

"I don't care, go away. Bug Nathan or something." Etheriel groans and I stare at his messy hair, smiling a little. Even with his hair messy and sticking up in random directions, it is still perfect. Maybe, that's an angel thing.

"I already did, he threw his angel blade at me." Dominic folds his arms. Angel blade? Then I remember the blade that Nathan pulled on Dominic at the beach. That seemed like a reasonable name for the weapon.

"I should too." Etheriel mumbles into the pillow. Dominic tilts his head.

"You-" Before Dominic can finish Etheriel reaches under the pillow next to him and pulls out a blade similar to Nathan's. "Okay." Dominic puts his hands up, eyeing the blade. Etheriel returns the blade under the pillow and I am surprised I didn't notice it before. I guess now I know he always carries around a blade, I will always feel safe. Etheriel rolls over so he is on his back. His warm brown eyes scan my body and my skin warms under his gaze. Dominic stands suddenly and claps his hands together.

"Detroit! The Motor City. What should we do? Where should we go?" Dominic begins to pace the room. I sit up straight, ready to explore an unknown place.

"Are you talking like the zoo? Because there are zoos everywhere... Nothing really special about them." Etheriel comments and sits up slowly.

"Casino?" Dominic raises an eyebrow.

"Trinity can't go to a casino." Etheriel shakes his head and his hand slides onto my leg. His touch sends a strange warmth through my veins and my hand reacts on its own, wrapping around Etheriel's hand.

"Museum?" Dominic throws out another suggestion.

"Historical?" Etheriel asks.

"Or Art? The Detroit Institute of Art is close." Dominic tilts his head.

"Art museum sounds good." Etheriel pulls his hand out of mine and slides out of bed, shirtless. Dominic nods and turns, walking toward the door. Etheriel walks to his luggage and the whole time I stare at his sculpted back. I stand up and walk to Etheriel, placing my hands on his smooth back. He must have not expected it because he jumps slightly and turns to me. Unable to stop myself, I place my hands on his chest and slide them down to his abs. Perfection. Etheriel chuckles quietly and leans down placing a kiss on the top of my head before turning around and grabbing some clothes. I reluctantly walk to my luggage a couple feet from him and pull out a pair of black skinny jeans and a black sleeveless see-through shirt with a white pocket. After I change, Etheriel and I meet Nathan in the lobby of the hotel with Dominic. Nathan looks ticked off with Dominic who is wearing a small smirk causing to wonder what he did this time.

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