Burning Up

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I wake up cold and when I sit up I can feel heat residue from where Dominic was up until recently. I look around and I only see Etheriel and Nathan sitting at the table, by the window, looking out at the parking lot. I slowly put my feet onto the stiff carpet and pad into the bathroom where I flick the lights on and put my hair up into a pony tail. When I come back out, Dominic is leaning against the door, staring at Etheriel.

"Good Morning." His gaze shifts to me where I immediately feel unsettled. Etheriel stands and walks to me causing Dominic to get a slight amused look.

"Want to go get breakfast?" he says and his eyes scan me.


After I change, Etheriel quickly leads me out of the hotel room with Dominic following casually.

"You guys still don't get the three foot thing, do you?" Dominic questions. Etheriel suddenly stops and turns to me. Dominic stops on the other side of me and watches as Etheriel pulls a necklace out of his pocket and a ring.

"You left these at your house." I notice that it is the necklace and ring that Etheriel had made. Dominic checks it out while looking slightly uneasy and I slip the ring onto my index finger while Etheriel goes behind me, pulling my hair out of the way; he puts the necklace around my neck. The whole time Dominic stares down at me and I can't help but to stare back.

"Six to Ten feet now." Dominic says and continues walking with his hands in his pockets. Etheriel gets into his car and I am about to get in the passenger seat when Dominic pulls me with him into the back. I catch Etheriel glaring at Dominic for a second before Dominic pulls me so close to him I am almost in his lap.

"I thought you said it was fine to stay six to ten feet." I mumble and Dominic smirks.

"Doesn't hurt to stay extra close." He responds and pulls me closer, if possible, to make his point. Even though the closeness is uncomfortable, I feel safe. Even after the car pulls out of the parking lot, I remain where Dominic pulled me to. Etheriel parallel parks outside a diner and quickly gets out, coming around the car and opening the door on my side. He gently pulls me out and when I am standing on the side walk, he leans down and kisses me passionately. The car door on Dominic's side opens and shut loudly and I hear his footsteps go around the car. Etheriel pulls away as soon as Dominic's footsteps stop beside us and I glance at him to see he looks very amused. Etheriel grabs my hand and leads me into the diner. There are only a couple of elderly couples eating. We take a seat near the back and Dominic claims the seat next to me before Etheriel could so Etheriel sits across from me. Underneath the table Etheriel's knees brush against mine.

"What would you like to drink?" A small pale girl with brown hair appears at our table smiling.



"Orange juice." I request and she looks at Dominic and Etheriel before nodding and rushing off. She is back a minute later with our drinks before rushing off again. I scan through the menu before folding it back up. The girl comes back again and smiles.

"What would you like to eat?" She poises her pen ready to write. Etheriel looks at me wanting me to go first.

"The pancake combo, please." I say and she nods while writing.

"Buttered? Strawberry, blueberry, or maple syrup?"

"Yes and blueberry." I smile and hand her my menu. She smiles back and looks back and forth between Etheriel and Dominic.

When we walk out of the diner, I am stuffed to capacity and feel miserable plus tired again.

"What should we do now?" Etheriel asks driving down the street in the direction of the motel.

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