New Kid

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My name is Trinity, just Trinity because I don't know my real parents and I don't like my adoptive parents so I don't accept their last name. It's not that they are mean and I hate them or anything, it is just that they don't understand. I have long dark brown hair and stormy grey eyes. Today is the start of my senior year of high school. I am not particularly excited about it, but thank god that I only have one year left.


I groan as I roll over and slam my hand down on the alarm clock, silencing it. I put my feet on the soft carpet and shuffle over to my dresser to grab clothes. After grabbing clothes, I walk to the bathroom to shower and get dressed. When I get out of the shower, I put on and walk into the kitchen. Looking through the cabinets for food, I hear movement telling me that they have woke up. I grab a bagel and put it in the toaster until it is crisp. After it is crisp, I put it on a plate and spread plain cream cheese on it. While I am spreading the cream cheese on the second half my mom comes into the kitchen and looks at the time.

"Trinity, Hun, you are late." I glance at the time and grab my bagel and quickly walk out the door. I sprint down the sidewalk toward the direction of school. When I get to the school, I run up the stairs of the school and speed walk down the halls to my locker. At my locker the bell rings and I let out a loud sigh. Late on the first day, good job, Trinity. I grab a couple notebooks for my first few hours and stuff everything else I don't need from my backpack into my locker. I turn around and a staff member is standing there waiting to give me a tardy pass. I accept it and quickly walk to my class. When I arrive, there is a new face standing by the teacher's desk. He has medium length brown hair covered with a beanie and golden brown eyes that seem dangerous. The teacher seems to be in middle of introducing him when they both glance at me.

"Trinity, already arriving late I see. This is Nathan a new student. Please treat him well." He laughs, turning back to the class at the end. I walk over to his desk briskly, set down the pass, and mumble a quick 'Excuse Me' before sitting down in an empty desk. Nathan takes a seat next to me with a cocky smile on his face. He stares at me so I give him a questioning look and he fully turns his body toward me and holds out his hand.

"Hello, nice to meet you, Trinity." The way he says my name sends chills down my spine. I nod and slowly take and shake his hand. He was radiating some kind of heat. He pulls away after staring in my eyes longer than I am comfortable with then turns his attention to the teacher.

When class is over and everyone is gathering their possessions and leaving, Nathan looks back at me showing a brief smile before disappearing into the crowd. I also follow the crowd and continue to my next class.

In my last hour, I get there right before the bell rings and sit down in the back. A couple minutes into class, the door opens and in walks Nathan. He scans the seats while giving the teacher his pass and a note from the office. His eyes land on me and he smiles and walks straight toward me and sits in the empty seat behind me. Throughout the entire class I feel him staring intently at the back of my head, but I resist the urge to turn around and look at him. The final bell rings and people hurry to pack their things and to go home for the day. I however don't rush like the other people and take my time. Nathan waits patiently by my desk as I pack, but I avoid looking up at him. When I finish, I walk around him and toward the door.

"Would you like to get some coffee?" he asks from behind me. I stop and turn toward him and he has his hands in his pockets and is still smiling.

"No, thanks I need to get home." I say politely and turn away.

"Then I will walk you. It's dangerous for people your age to walk alone." He says and follows me down the hall and out the building.

"You look the same age as me. You say that like I am ten and you are twenty." I say without looking at him.

"True." He laughs.

"I don't need you to walk me home, but thanks." I say and turn to him to see that he stopped and is staring at me. I wave at him and walk off. When I glance back, he has disappeared and is nowhere to be seen.

When I get home, no one else is home so I go to my room and work on some homework. About halfway through my homework I decide to go on a walk. I put my shoes on and leave locking the door behind me. The sun starts to go down on my walk so I decide I should probably head back before it gets pitch dark. While crossing an empty quiet street, the sudden loud sound of breaks screeching and bright headlights make me look that way. A truck is speeding towards me, but I am too stunned to move. The truck continues to barrel toward me, swerving slightly and is about to hit me when a sudden force hits me. I lay still on my side with my eyes shut still stunned, wondering if I am dead when I realize there is a heavy weight on my side. When I open my eyes, my vision is blurry and doubled, but I can make out the figure of a man. Realizing that this man saved me I am about to thank him when I see that something is extending out from his back. It looks light grey. My vision clears and I see that they are wings. Light grey wings that look damaged. I stare at them unable to believe my eyes. They start to close and disappear into the man's back. I look at the man, still shocked, and he looks concerned. He starts to sit up and brings me with him carefully.

"Are you okay?" he asks with a slight accent.

"Y-You have..." I stutter.

"Wings, yes I do, I will explain later, more importantly, are you okay?" he says and starts scanning my body for injuries. He stops looking me over when he doesn't see any obvious signs and stands up also helping me up. I take a step back from him.

"W-Wings... What are you?"

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