Heated Moments

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My eyes pop open when the door to my room flies open and bangs against the wall. A white wing is obstructing my view and I can't see who it was who stormed in. Michael slowly wakes up and his wing slowly moves to behind him and Nathan is standing there staring wide eyed at us. I blink the sleep from my eyes and look around, wondering what time it was. I catch a glance at my alarm clock and my eyes widen as school is already half way over.

"What are you doing?" Nathan's voice comes out rushed, toward Michael. Nathan quickly comes to the other side of the bed and grabs my wrist, roughly yanking me across to him. Pain shoots up my arm and I whimper.

"Ow!" I say loudly as I stumble to my feet beside him.

"Was your plan to sleep with your own daughter? To make some strange angel race? That's messed up!" Nathan's grip on my wrist tighten as he starts to drag me out of the room.

"Ow! That hurt, please let go..." I beg and I hear my bed creak as he drags me down the hall.

"She was having nightmares and asked me to stay. I just happened to fall asleep." Michael says from my doorway and Nathan continues to drag me down the stairs.

"It's... It's true. Where are we going?" I say as he begins toward the door. Footsteps rush down the stairs and I look back right before Nathan slams the door to see Michael looking concerned at me.

"To my house." He says simply and begins to drag me down the sidewalk. A few people, working on their gardens, glance back and stare at us. After a mile or so, he finally lets go of my wrist and we walk side by side. I slowly rub my wrist and a bruise has already formed where he was holding. We walk another mile or so until we come to his apartment complex where he takes two steps at a time and I rush to keep up. He opens his door and lets me in before shutting the door behind me. He stares before his eyes drop to my wrist.

"I'm sorry." He whispers before gently grabbing my hand and lightly kissing down to the bruise and all the way around my wrist where the bruise spreads. He stops and slowly pulls away, his eyes filled with guilt. He pulls me into a tight hug and buries his face in my hair. "Will you stay here for a while?" he mumbles. I think about it and realize he is shaking.

"Yeah... I will." I slowly wrap my arms around his torso. He pulls away and stares into my eyes before leaning in and possessively kissing me. His hands slowly move to my face and starts backing me up until we hit a wall. My body feels like there is fire coursing through it as he slowly pulls away and starts kissing along my jaw. Something along the lines of a quiet moan escapes my mouth and he picks me up, making me wrap my legs tightly around his waist. I tangle my fingers into his dark hair and pull on it, bringing his lips back to mine. He pulls away again and kisses down my neck to my shoulder while walking us toward his bedroom. In his room, he makes us fall back onto the bed and his lips find mine again. His hands begin to creep up my shirt before pulling away and yanking it over my head then pulling his over his head. His lips are back on mine and it's rough and hot as he starts to unbutton his pants and I unbutton mine and start pulling them down. He pulls away again, standing up and dropping his pants as I quickly take mine off all the way and throw them to the side and so does he before dropping back down on me. Nathan is sucking on my jaw line as someone bangs on his door. We both freeze, panting, and look at each other. I immediately blush as he weighs whether to answer the door or to continue. Whoever it is starts banging again and Nathan sighs before climbing off of me and tugging on his pants as he walks out his room also grabbing his shirt. I lean over the bed and watch him open the door. Etheriel is standing there and I immediately go to the side of the bed where he can't see me.

"Why is your hair so messed up?" Etheriel asks.

"Just woke up. Why are you holding a bag of women's clothes?" Nathan asks and I hear the door shut.

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