No Sleep

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I walk into school on Thursday in a daze from waking up from that nightmare in the middle of the night. I think about how I moved yesterday. My necklace is strangely warm against my skin and my ring feels like it is lightly pulsating on my finger.

"Trinity!" I look in the direction of the voice and see Nathan smiling slightly and walking quickly toward me. Girls watch him and glare at me when he stops in front of me. "You look exhausted." He smiles and brushes his fingers through my hair.

"I just didn't sleep that well in the new house." I lie and wonder if I should tell him about my dream.

"How is it there?" he asks getting a curious look and his face.

"Larger than my last house." I say and we begin to walk to class.

When the final bell rings, I grab my backpack and walk with Nathan to his apartment. My new house is too far away to walk to and I don't want to ride a bus. When we arrive, Nathan asks me my address so he can come and visit some times and I tell him. We sit around for an hour or two watching T.V. in awkward silence. I start to doze off and lean my head on his shoulder,, falling asleep.

I wake up to fingers massaging my scalp, sending chills down my spine. I open my eyes and see that my head is in Nathan's lap and he is running his fingers through my hair. He stares down and me, showing a small smile.

"Hey sleepy head." He says as I sit up.

"What time is it?" I say in a sleepy voice, looking around.

"Seven." He says and watches me as my eyes widen.

"I need to go, sorry!" I say and run out the door, putting my shoes on.

"Let me walk you back!" he quickly gets up and follows me out the door. We speed walk for half an hour in the chilly breeze until I stop at my new house. Nathan looks up at it.

"This is really nice." He says and walks me up to the porch. I open the door and am about to shut the door when I turn back to him.

"Good night." I smile and he smiles back before turning and walking off the porch. Michael walks out of the kitchen and stares.

"Where were you? We were worried." He says and walks up to me, giving me a hug.

"I was at a friend's house." I reply, smiling a little.

"Oh. Are you hungry? We have left overs." He says motioning toward the kitchen. I shake my head.

"I'm not that hungry, but thanks. I think I'm just going straight to sleep." I say and nod, walking past him to the stairs.

"Trinity..." Michael stops me from going up the stairs. "Are you okay?" he asks and I look back at him to see a worried expression.

"Yeah." I say and force a smile and continue up the stairs to my room. I change and quickly crawl back into bed. Why have I been so tired lately?




My heart is beating rapidly as I fall through the sky. It's raining hard and I can't see more than five feet around me. I am soaked and my skin feels like it is on fire. Thunder booms and lightening crackles around me. I look down and see a dark moving surface below me. As I get closer, I recognize it as a huge lake with extremely choppy water and soon I plunge into it. My body goes numb and I can't move. It's dark all around me and I can't breathe. Everything goes dark and frigid.

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