Vial of Blood

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The next day I feel much better and Dominic hasn't shown his face since yesterday. I roll over and straight into Etheriel, waking him up with a jump. He quickly turns toward me and relaxes before reaching out a hand and putting the back of it against my forehead. He stares at me as he does so before a smile forms on his face.

"Your fever went down." He smiles more before pulling me into a tight hug. "Are you feeling better?" he asks with me still extremely close to him.

"Yeah." I whisper and look away from him. He pulls me closer and I smell his familiar scent. Someone on the other bed shifts and I turn to see Nathan starting to wake up. He groans as he sits up, stretching. I slowly sit up, pulling out of Etheriel's arms and slide across the bed to shower and change. I go to my suitcase and dig through the clothes unsure what I want to wear. Etheriel gets up to and pulls a shirt out of his suitcase and tossing it to me.

"Wear that." He smiles and I say a quiet okay before grabbing a pair of black ripped shorts and the dark red shirt he gave me. I quick walk into the bathroom, shut and lock the door, and strip off the clothes that were slightly clinging to my skin. I turn on the shower and am reminded of the bad water pressure. When I step into the shower, I feel the dried sweat and filth wash off my body some the rest needs to be scrubbed away. While washing soap out of my hair, the hairs on my arm stand on end and chills run down my spine although there is warm water going down my back. I stare out the transparent curtain and can see Dominic walking through a passage into the bathroom by the sink. I pull the curtain back some so I can look at him and feel completely exposed through the curtain. He stares at my face before his eyes flicker to my naked body behind the curtain then back at my eyes.

"How are you feeling?" he says simply like it's normal to walk in on people taking showers.

"Fine..." I say quietly and a blush creeps into my cheeks. He nods and scans the small room before reaching into his pocket and pulling out a dark chain with a long skinny vial attached that has a super dark red, almost black, liquid in it. I stare at the liquid and then back at him.

"What's that?" I point to the necklace.

"A necklace so when I am around you it won't affect you at all." He says and slowly sets it on the counter. He turns and faces the wall. "You can continue your shower." He says and leans against the door still facing away. I stare at the back of his head before quickly rushing to finish the shower. After I shut off the water, I lean out and grab a thin towel wrapping it around my body and stepping out of the shower. I shove my clothes on while making sure Dominic doesn't look. Right as I slip on Etheriel's shirt Dominic turns around and grabs the necklace Etheriel gave me and quickly puts it around my neck. I notice he flinched while holding the necklace and he rubs the hand that touched the necklace on his pants. He glances down at the oversized shirt I am wearing and stares a little too long.

"Is that one of theirs?" he asks and tilts his head. I nod and he nods back before handing me the ring to put on, he flinches and rubs his fingers on his pants like he did with the necklace and then takes the necklace he took out of his pocket. The liquid sloshes inside the skinny vial and stains the sides some before sliding back down to the rest of it. He goes behind me and slips it around my neck. The vial slips down in between my breasts and is cold against my skin.

"What is this liquid in it?" I ask and lift the vial to the light and the light barely shines through.

"My blood." He says this casually and I drop it, turning to him.

"What?" I ask quietly while staring up at him. He points to the vial in between my breasts.

"My blood in that vial is enchanted so that when you are around me it makes you immune to the 'Hell' I radiate." He says and slips the vial back into my shirt. "So pretty much you won't get sick around me." He smiles as I nod slowly. I pick up my dirty clothes and Dominic unlocks the door and walks out with me following him. I drop off my clothes with the other dirty clothes and turn to see Etheriel and Nathan staring at Dominic.

WingedOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora