24: Don't Push it

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Tell your friends it was nice to meet them

But I hope I never see them again  

- Chainsmokers - Halsey, Closer


{Don't Push It }


"Dad?" My voice got caught in my throat. I hadn't seen him in years. He looked much better than when I remembered him. Why was he here? How did he even find us?

"Raven!" My dad- it's disgusting to even call him that- stepped forward and enveloped me. "It has been a long time."

"12 years is not a long time, Daniel," I immediately push him away, "its a very long time." I straighten my shirt. What does he think he is? Coming here and just hugging me like he went on a vacation? I turned around to see my mum, but her face... It really pissed me. She looked relieved to see him, happy even. What the hell?  She ran forth and hugged him, giving him one of those I-missed-you hugs. I could see a ginormous grin plastered on her face as she turned around and faced me.

"Seriously?" I look between them. I felt rage course through me. Clenching my fist I stalked up to my room and slammed the door shut, just so he can hear it. I sat on my bed and placed my head in my hands.

Is he here to take our money? Or the house? He hurt my mum, and I'm not letting him do that again. Never again. What was he here for? There has to be a motive. He couldn't be just stopping by and paying a visit. Or is he here to stay? Oh please don't tell me he's here to stay.

I couldn't stand even being in the same house as him. I need to get some fresh air, immediately. I changed into a muscle tank and and shorts and strapped my phone holder to my arm.

"I'm going for a run," I announce as I bounded down the steps.

"It's 4 in the afternoon," Liz informed.

"Raven! Won't you say a hey or hi to him?" My mum approached me as I opened the door.

"Over my dead body!" I shout at him directly. He had the cheek to come to my house, after everything, and then I had to be nice to him? Even if hell froze over, that's not happening. I didn't know where I was running to but I couldn't care less.

After a while I find myself at the gateway of the Skye house. Without thinking twice, I jumped over their huge gate. I always did it, and no one has ever stopped me. I ran up their driveway and pounded their front door.

"Hold on! I'm coming!" I heard Nicholas angrily opening the door. I clutched my knee and panted, trying to steady my breath. "Dude! What happened?"

"Can- can I come in?" I panted.

"No," I heard him say. I looked up and glared at him, "okay okay, I was just kidding," he opened the door wider, allowing me to enter. "Dude are you okay?"

"Is this expensive?" I pointed to a vase.

"No... I don't think so... It was bought in a local boutique," he shrugged. I looked at it angrily and knocked it down. It just bounced off and landed again.

"What the hell! Is it plastic?" I glared at him.

"No,no," he took it up and handed it to me again. I took it and smashed it on the ground. This time it smashed to pieces. I was still not satisfied. I started stamping on it like a wild elephant. It smashed to pieces and even smaller pieces. "Oh by the way, just so you know that is the forth vase this year. And the year just started."

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