11: I Care About You

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if your wings are broken

Please take mine so yours can open too

Cause I'm gonna stand by you

-Stand By You, Rachel Platten


{ I care about you }


Every one was dressed in black. I was now in Newcastle, witnessing my own family's funeral. Penny was by my side, holding on to me. I leaned my head onto her, as she held me, saying comforting words in my ear. Both she and I knew that it didn't help the hole in my heart. But she tried anyway. I see them, slowly being lowered into their graves. One by one. I bid them my last goodbyes. I badly hoped there was an extra empty grave, so that I could lie down there and be buried alive, joining my family.

After everything, we made our way home. I went into my empty house, with no Evan there. No Mom, no dad. Just me. And Claudia and Raven trailing behind me. I felt sorry for them, for Claudia. It was my fault, that she lost her best friend that she had known since young.

"I'll make some dinner. We'll leave tomorrow. Is there anything that you need?" Claudia looked at me with kind eyes. I looked at my feet.

"I feel so guilty," I wanted to say out loud, but didn't. I know the words that'll return back to me. "This is not your fault. It wasn't meant to be. Its fate. I'm sorry." But the truth? It is entirely my fault. And no one would believe me if I said so.

After dinner, I make my way up to my roof. I sat at the slanted side, looking up at the stars, trying to figure out the constellations that Evan and I used to make together.

"Why are you here, all alone?" Raven's voice reached me. "Mind if I join?" I shook my head. He climbed out of my window, onto the roof, as that was the only way, you could access where I was sitting.

"Evan and I used to do this every weekend. We would stay up here for hours, figuring out constellations, and making up new ones," I looked at the sky, smiling sadly at the memory.

"Evan is?" He looked at me.

"My brother," I looked away. I couldn't do this now. I couldn't. I couldn't talk about him, or the rest of my family, without struggling against a tugging feeling at my heart. I stood up abruptly, and made my way into the house through my window.

"Did I say something to upset you?" He looked at me, worried.

"No. I just need some time," I said closing the window.

"How will I get in?" His muffled voice reached me.

"Look for another alternative," and with that I closed my window.


I slid off the roof, landing on a bush. I get up dust myself and made my way to the front door.

"Why are you coming from the front? I thought you wanted to talk to Liz?" She asked confused.

"She was out on the roof, she locked me out," I explained.

"Oh. Do you want to take the couch? Or are you fine with the floor?"

"Can't I use the spare rooms upstairs?"

"Do you know how insensitive that is? Raven?" My mum looked shocked that I asked that question.

"I'm sorry mum, it just slipped out," I apologized. She rolled her eyes and threw me a blanket and settled on the other couch.

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