16: Barfed In My Mouth

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Kiss me under the light of a thousand stars

Oh darling, place your head on my beating heart

-Thinking Out Loud, Ed Sheeran


{ Barfed In My Mouth }


Well the counter is a place to eat in my house. Mostly. But now, thanks to Liz its a group study table. More like study buddy but still yeah. I never thought I'd use my counter for more than eating, just because it was really unenticing.

Early morning, around 11 am, Liz barged into my room, asking me to help her with math. But my room was too small, and it had gotten a little messier, which the highness could not take, so I had to bring all my books down to the counter. Like seriously, why can't girls study in a messy environment. Everything must be the way they like it. Girls.

I look across the table, at Liz trying to solve the math question before her. Her head was down, eyebrows furrowed concentrated on the book. She pushed her specs up to place them right on the bridge of her nose and continued. She scribbled something, then canceled it off. Again. I could see the frustration set in. Raking her hand through hair, she closed her eyes for a second and focused them on me.

"I can feel you staring. Stop doing that," she accused.

"What's wrong in staring at something so," I thought of the right word. "Displeasing."

"Ouch," she raised an eyebrow. "Its adding to the pressure."

"Do you want help? You seem to be going nowhere with that," I took her book. She signed in defeat. "Ok so if you look at your equation here, there's something wrong. You accidentally subtracted this instead of adding..." I explained to her. I felt so happy as I sounded all smart and like a genius.

Liz was not paying attention again. She was zoning off, to her punk rock wonderland. This girl has a really short attention span.

"And that's why you'll never solve this question," I finished, pulling her back to earth.

"What? Why?" She asked surprised.

"If you keep drifting off to your wonderland, how will you?"

"Oh god. I did it again," she sighed. "Could you please be a good duckling and explain it to me again?" Did she just call me a duckling? Two can play at that game.

"No can do CUPCAKE. You should have listened the first time," I booped her nose. Why did I boop her nose. Yeah she did have a cute nose and all, but what's happening to me?

She reached over the counter and grabbed my collar. Pulling me halfway across the counter, her gray eyes met my green ones.

"Teach me!" She threatened.

"O-Ok. Y-Y-Yes ma'am," I stuttered. She could be scary if she wanted to be. She let go of my collar and I sat down slowly. I picked her notebook up, making it face her and started explaining the question again. This time, she didn't zone off. She listened intently, nodding her head to all my questions.

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