6: Team Bonding? More Like Team Bowling

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I could scream forever

We are the poisoned youth

-Centuries, Fall Out Boys


{ Team Bonding? More Like Team Bowling }


I was in the locker rooms, putting on my jersey over my chest pads, when the devil walked in with an evil smile. It was my first game in Canada- against Beatley high.

"Wow! First the girl's toilet, now the locker rooms. Thirsty much?" I snorted.

"Haha. Real funny," he retorted. "I came to wish you good luck."

"Oh wow. Thanks Satan," I laced my shoelaces and stood up, ready to take on the field.

"Hmm.. Would you fit into that locker?" He asked me eyeing me and the locker. I gauged my height and the locker's width and answered, "Maybe. I think so. Why?"

The next thing I knew I was shoved into the locker and he closed the locker on me. I pounded the locker door furiously. He looked through the slits on the top and I could see him smirk, "Well, Satan definitely wishes you good luck. Good lick getting out of that." I heard footsteps walking our of the locker room.

"Get me out of here!" I scream and try to open the locker from the inside. But no avail. I walked myself onto that one.

"Where's Liz. We need her now!" I heard coach shouting.

"I don't know. The last time I saw her was when she was in the locker rooms," I could hear the smirk in his voice. Well, isn't that surprising?

After what seemed like hours, I heard footsteps in the locker room again.

"Liz?" The person tentatively called out.

"I'M HERE! HERE! GET ME OUT!" I shook and pounded the locker. I heard a few clicking sounds and light finally splashed into the dark locker, almost blinding me.

"What the hell were you doing in there?" Thean asks bewildered.

"The game?" I pant ignoring his obvious question.

"Its over. You missed the game Liz." I was beyond infuriated. How dare he! I ignored Thean and his questions and stormed over to the boy's locker rooms.
"RAVEN MATTHEWS!" I shout as I spot him, his hair dripping wet. I stormed over and punched his gut. He was taken aback at first, but as he regained composure, his attitude came with it, "You punch like a girl."

That fed my infuriation. I launched myself onto him, sending my next blows to his perfectly carved face. Being much taller and stronger than me, he surprisingly didn't fight back. I felt two strong hands lifting me off Raven. I turned to look back at the owner of the hands. Just as expected, Thean.

"Oh I'm pretty sure you can do better than that," Raven teases, wiping away blood from his split lip. Infuriated further, I tried to launch myself onto him again, but Thean grabbed my waist, stopping me.

"What the fish is going on here?" I heard Coach bellow. Everyone turned to face Coach. "Why weren't you at the game Liz?"

"This asshole locked me in the locker!" I point to the culprit.

"What the... Matthews, you are benched for the next game," he tells sternly.

"But Coach-" Raven tries to rebut.

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