5: Sweet Sweet Revenge

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Stone-heart, machine gun

Firing at the ones who run

Stone heart loves bulletproof glass

- Titanium, David Guetta( ft. Sia)


{Sweet Sweet Revenge}


It had been a week since we were given out drama project. Thean wasn't even finished with the book. Well turns out he was a real slow reader. I thought we could watch the movie, but he fell asleep halfway through the movie also.

"You sure are an anti-TFIOS fan, aren't you?" I question him.

"Done blame me. You wanted to do this book. If it makes you feel any better, I finished reading it last night. And damn the ending. Why couldn't stupid John Green finish the damn book?" He started babbling. "Seriously? I didn't get much sleep last night. Thank you John Green!"

"Finally!" I sigh. "So well... I was thinking that we shoot quotes that we remember at each other. Then we see where the chemistry builds. After that we pick that scene and we re-enact it," I explain.

"I'm on a roller coaster that only goes up my friend," he smirked, thinking he took the upper hand.

"My thoughts are stars I cannot fathom into constellations," I smirked. I knew this book, cover to cover. There's no way he would have the upper hand.

"It would be a privilege to have my heart broken by you."

"Some infinities are bigger than other infinites."

We continued on like that. The quote shooting became more intense by the minute that in minutes we were face to face, shooting quotes at each other.

"I loved the way you fall asleep: slowly then all at one," I told him, staring into those coral blue eyes.

"Can you kiss as fast as you can play?" He said keeping a straight face.

"What!?" I exclaim breaking eye contact.

"What? Its a quote," he chuckled.

"Yeah. One from your ass," I laugh.

"Well, it was good, wasn't it?" He wiggled his eyebrows.

"No. It was horrible!" I couldn't stop laughing. "Its getting late. We'll continue it tomorrow. No messing around!"

"Aww," he whined packing his things.

I waved him goodbye at the door as he left on his bike. 

"Did you do the smoochy smoochy in your room?" 

I jumped when I heard him behind me. I wheeled around to face a smirking Raven standing at the doorway.

"No we didn't do any smoochy smoochy. Sorry for the disappointment." I reply sarcastically and try to side step him into the house. "Please let me in."

"Why should I?" 

"Because I live here now, and you were the one who wanted to be friends," I answered him rolling my eyes. What. A. Douche.

"Oh yes. I did, didn't I?" he grinned cheekily and stepped aside, letting me in. I decided to ignore that evil smirk. BIG mistake.


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