When Wednesday arrived I had nearly completed the whole of song, and not only that I had started composing music for it too. I am so glad I took up music for a GCSE.

      During lunch break I took Casey to the music room so I could try out the piece and have some feedback. “Be warned” I said to her “I don’t think it’s that good at the moment.” She nodded encouragingly.

      And so, I began. I pressed my fingers delicately on the keys of the glossy back grand piano, and as the delicious notes and chords played from me, I started to sing.

      “Mysterious stranger, my heart is in danger; it’s hard to know were we will be. When he turned and looked my way, my heart seemed to say, I don’t ever want to wake up from this dream.”

      As I played the music interlude, I felt Casey sit next to me. And before I knew it, we were both singing the words I had written.

     “There’s something I have to say, something I have to do. Beautiful stranger, I think I’ve fallen for you. Ohh I hear a flitter in the aiiir and the breeze moves my hair. And soon I realize that I’m seeing an angel through my eyes.

       I would have continued playing, but I couldn’t. This song I had written was so much about My Angel that it broke my heart. I missed him so much; this past week has been agony.

      The last chord I played stayed on for a long time, until I felt Casey’s hands pick up mine. I turned to her, her eyes filled with sympathy.

      As my vision began to blur she took me in her arms, and held me as the tears fell down my face. “Why won’t he come back?” I cried, the tears seriously flowing down my cheeks.

     “He told me he loved me… he kissed me. But he wouldn’t even…. say goodbye… let alone tell me he was… leaving,” My breathing came out shallow and breathless, I’m not even sure I was making sense. Even so, Casey never left me.

      She stayed there, allowing me to ruin her school top with my tears. I pulled away, wiping the tears from my eyes I told her “I’m sorry Case, I’ll be fine. We, we err better head off to our next class.” I stood up slowly, only to be pulled back down.

      “No.” Casey said sternly “We have a free period and we are going to sit here and you are going to cry out all off the sadness you’re feeling. And I am going to hold you as you cry.”

     She stared into my eyes “You did the same thing for me seven years ago; it is only natural that I repay that debt.” Smiling at me, she pulled me back into a warm embrace.

     And before I knew it a new round of tears were flowing from my eyes. And with the debt, it was officially repaid, and Casey has a ruined school shirt to prove it.

      It was now Saturday, but still My Angel had not appeared. Sometimes I would feel as if he was there or catch a glimpse of someone that looked like him. But it was never him.

     And today is the day that my partner who I have to create a dance with in under six and a half months is to arrive. So I have to put on a smile for him, and what ever he has to offer.

     “How you feeling today Angie?” Claire asked, the amount of concern in her voice made it clear she was worried about me.

      I smiled, hoping it wasn’t obviously it was fake “I’m fine, just wondering when he’s going to get here.” Nodding at me she replied “Well he should be here soon, he’s coming all the way from Northampton.”

     Standing there, it suddenly became very awkward. I thanked the lords when I heard Casey call my name. “Well I better go see what she wants, you know how she gets” and with that, I rushed off.

      Casey smiled at me as if to say ‘you’re welcome’. I swear she has eyes like a hawk. “When’s he getting here sweet pea?” She asked, the curiosity obviously getting the better of her.

     “Soon” I sighed “He’s coming quite far, so he might not get here on time.” Putting my hand on the base of my neck I closed my eyes, wishing this day would be over.

    “Well…” Casey said, her tone suddenly very soft and swoony “I don’t know about that.” I opened my eyes to see her cheeks tinted red. I was so confused, nothing ever made Casey blush unless it was to do with Jared or someone she found highly attractive.

     I looked around to see if it could be anyone in here. But all I seemed to find was gawking faces and blushed cheeks all around.

     “Casey, what is everyone staring at?” I was so confused; unless everyone had gone into a fit of emotional state, I had no clue.

    Casey giggled “Seriously babe, turn around, serious hottie at six o’clock.” And so I turned around, and it was as if time slowed down.

     I turned to see the most beautiful man I had ever seen. His hair was a glossy brown that hung over his eyes, while his piercing green eyes appraised only me. As my eyes traced him my heart skipped a beat.

        This man looked just like My Angel.

    “Class this is Jophiel Livorarte, he is here to be Angie’s partner for the Royal Ballet Scholarship.” Claire smiled, and the class burst into a round of applause.

   That’s when everything went dark.

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