Undyne's Sunshine

Start from the beginning




"Kid!" Sans shouted.

A light blue harpoon was thrown out the window that was almost an inch away from hitting me. Standing there like an idiot, I stared at it in disbelief. I could have died.

The two skeletons ran over to me. Papyrus hugged me tightly. "WHAT WERE YOU DOING STANDING OVER BY THE WINDOW?" Papyrus asked.

I shrugged. They both creped up to the window staring at what was going on inside.

"You, stay behind us." Sans said.

"ALPHYS, GET YOUR GIRLFRIEND!" A robot in pink sleep wear shouted that was Mettaton. He quickly walked over to the door only to see all three of us staring in the house.

"DARLING!" he beamed as he walked over to hug me.

"Oh god..." Sans mumbled under his breath.

"Happy birthday, darling! I just have to say, I'm proud of you for saving all of us. It's seems like it was only yesterday we all were trying to kill you which led up to a demon flower trying to kill you too, but after all of that, we all are living happily ever after, aren't we?"

Mettaton looked up to see Papyrus and Sans as they both sweatdropped. "PAPYRUS! SANS! HOW ARE YOU?"

"We're doing just fine, thanks." said Sans.

"We've been waiting on you guys. You're welcome to come on in, but make sure you don't get hit by one of Undyne's harpoons. She's in a bit of a rage at the moment."

As we all entered the house, I could see that the room was clean and refurnished. The glass on the window was broken.

"Alphys! Undyne we have-"

Undyne threw another harpoon that landed on top of the door in which you first came in, whilst almost aiming at Mettaton's head.

"WHAT IS IT?!" Undyne asked in rage, getting ready to throw another harpoon.

Papyrus's eyes were widened in shock. "WELL WOULD YOU LOOK AT THE TIME. WE SHOULD BE GOING!" he said nervously as he derpidly jumped out the window, breaking the glass while doing it.

"YOU'RE PAYING FOR THAT!" Undyne shouted.

"Hi you guys! Happy birthday, Frisk." Alphys spoke. She was wearing a gray shirt that said Otaku on it.

"Honey, you need to calm down, okay? I just wanted to say that we have guests." Mettaton said abruptly.

"What happened in here?" Sans asked.

"We were just watching an episode of Kill la Kill. Undyne's angry because one of the characters is kind of a psycho and just stabbed the main character in the neck." said Alphys.

"O...kay..." Sans responded.


"Undyne, it's just a cartoon..." I said.

"Are you kidding me? This is real stuff! That's what you told me, right? That anime is real?" Undyne asked.

I hesitated. "Uh, yeah! Like I said, it's totally real!"

The television showed a girl in pink's arms getting chopped off by a sword. Sans covered my eyes. I covered his, too knowing how he acts when he sees terrible things going on.

"Undyne, if I give you a kiss, will you calm down then?" Alphys asked.

Undyne threw her harpoon on the couch and quickly sat down next to Alphys. She was sitting up straight just begging for the prize that was going to be given to her.

"You two kissed already?" Mettaton asked curiously.

Undyne eyed him and nodded. She smiled and said, "Pucker up, buttercup!"

Just then, Napstablook came in the room wearing a top hat. He had an MP3 player placed on top of it.

"Oh! You guys made it!" Napstablook smiled.

Undyne and Alphys's anger were matched. Napstablook raised an eyebrow. "Did I...interrupt something here?" he asked.

Undyne opened her mouth and said, "You sure di-"

Alphys quickly covered her mouth. "No you didn't."

Napstablook smiled. "Oh, well that's good then, I guess. Toriel wanted me to give you all these." he said staring at a pile of Halloween costumes that were all similar to what people usually wear in fantasy movies and books.

"She told me that they should be a perfect fit for you guys. Everyone's gonna be outside trick or treating soon, so suggest you all hurry and get changed. Also, where's Papyrus?"

"I'll go get him, but I probably won't make it that far." said Sans as he headed out the door.

We all took turns changing in Undyne's bathroom. When it was her turn, Undyne nudged my arm and said, "Hey, happy birthday and sorry for almost killing you earlier."
HALLELUJAH! I'M DONE! Are you people happy now? You can stop asking me if I'm almost done now. It's Christmas break, people. Cut me some slack.

Question of the day:

Would you rather find out when you're going to do, or how you're going to die?

Let me know in the comments section! Remember to read, vote, comment, enjoy, and stay determined!

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