Chapter 24~ Birthday Drama

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I woke up to a whole bunch of people screaming.

What the hell?

I turned over and tried to ignore it, but the screaming kept getting louder.

I groaned then got up out of bed. I open my door and saw Rachel, and my mom arguing.

"I don't know why you in my face right now. I really don't care who birthday it is." Rachel screamed.

"Little girl you lucky I don't smack the shit out of you right now. I don't play. Now I live here now, and wether you like it not you gonna respect me."

I smiled knowing this place wasn't going to change her.

"You ain't my mom!" She screamed.

"Aye!" I yelled.

There heads both turned to me.

"What's with all the fucking yelling when im trying to sleep."

My mother smiled then hugged me.

"It's your birthday Brooklyn!"

I smiled.

"I know another year another bullet."

She gave a confused look.

"What? Brooklyn stop trying to talk like your father."

I grinned.

My mother turned to Rachel.

"Um is there something you want to say?" My mom said to Rachel.

She glared at both of us.

"Happy birthday. I hope since your eighteen you can get the fuck out this house."

"You and me both sister." I said extending sister.

She rolled her eyes and walked away.

My mom then turned and faced me.

"Don't let anyone ruin your birthday!"

"I won't." I said not really worried about people like that.

"Well good. Now go get ready then come down stairs, because William made you breakfast."

I gave her a look.

She smiled.

"Don't worry Brooklyn you'll like this breakfast. Now hurry up!" She said leaving.

I went in my room, and heard my phone ringing.


"Happy Birthday Brooklyn."

"Thank you Aaliyah." I said grinning.

"You welcome, but make sure you wear a bathing suit."


"You'll see just put it on."

"Aaliyah I'm not feeling the beach. We just spent a month there."

"Brooklyn we not going to the damn beach! Just put on the bathing suit!"

I laughed.

Brooklyn Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang