Chapter 15~ The truth

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Tre took me out to get lunch. He said he wanted me to clear my mind from the other day, but I couldn't. We had a plates in front of us but neither of us ate it. We just sat, and stared at each other.

"Brooklyn." Tre said starring at me.

"Tre Kell." I said staring right back.

"I'm sorry."

"Why, all you did was keep shit from me. Its no big deal." I said giving him a fake ass smile.

"You wasn't ready." He said.

"To know that I killed my father?"

"You didn't kill him Brooklyn." He said sternly.

"I did."

He sighed then got up, and sat in the seat next to me. He grabbed my hand, but I pulled it away. Then he forced me into a hug, and I had no choice but to hug him back. He backed up and lifted my chin with his finger.

"You didn't kill him." He said.

I had tears in my eyes and he wiped them away before it could fall down.

"I was fuckin there Tre! I called his name. He got distracted then he got shot cause of me."

"You was young you didn't know what was happening. "

"If I-

"Stop with the what if. What's done is done! You can't change that Brooklyn. I'm sorry it's really fucked up, but it's done."

I stopped and looked at him.

"You right that's why Im going to kill them."

He looked at me intensely. I had to look away cause he stared so deep.

"Have you ever killed somebody Brooklyn?"

I thought about what he just said. I never shot anybody in my life, and yes I was somewhat scared of taking somebody's life, but it was justice for my father.

"It doesn't matter." I said looking away.

"That's not what I ask." Tre said.

I started to get irritated with him.

"No! I nevered kill anybody, but he deserves to die."

"Who deserves to die?"

"The people that tried to kill my father."

"And who are they?"

"Calvin's going to give me that information."

"So when-

"Stop with the questions Tre I'm going to do what I want!"

"What is it that you want?"

"To show my father justice." I said standing up yelling.

Everyone was staring, but who the fuck cares at this point.

Tre sat there looking at me. He shook his head looking angry then got up to where he was millimeters from touching my face.

"He don't need justice Brooklyn, he was a fucking legend." He said through gritted teeth.

He then left the restaurant. I watch him leave then left as well. I got in the car, and he was there waiting. I looked at him but said nothing. We went back to the beach house. I got out of the car and went in my room then laid on my bed. The door opened, and Tre came in. I turned so I wasn't facing him. He sat down next to me.

"Look Brooklyn I'm not trying to fight."

"Then what do you want Tre?" I said my back still facing him.

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