Chapter 18~ Things Untold

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I looked inside the case again. I must of looked a thousand times already. What was left inside the case was a freaking key. No note, nothing. This was basically useless to me. I laid down on my bed. Then shot right up to look at it.

"How many times you gonna look at that key?" I heard Tre said.

I looked up at him.

"Until I found what it's for."

He sat down.

"Well it's a key, so it opens something."

"Great observation." I said sarcastically.

He rolled his eyes.

"Hear me out. Its a key that was inside a case. Who's lock was your birthday. Meaning the key was obviously meant for you. You just need to find out what needs to be unlocked."

I thought for a minute then looked at him.

"How am I supposed to know that?" I said.

He let out a frustrated groan and got up.

"You just need to relax you'll figure it out later." He said leaving.

"Wait!" I said.

He turned around.


"I'm spending the day with Quan and Izzy."

"Just Quan and Izzy?"


"Why spend the day with them when you can spend it with me." He said grinning.

"Because I'm tired of you."

He looked shocked, but shook it off and grabbed me. He brushed his hand on my cheek then kissed me slowly and sweetly. He lifted me up pushed me against the wall and kissed me harder but still passionately. Then he pulled away leaving me dazed.

"You could never get tired of me Brooklyn." He giving me a wink before leaving the room.

I watched him leave still a little daze from the kiss. I put on a bikini then shorts with a baggy shirt. Then I put on flip flops and some shades. I decided to leave my hair curly. I went to living room where everyone was.

"Y'all ready?" I said to Quan and Izzy.

They both nodded.

I looked over at Aaliyah and Khalil.

"Y'all gonna do something while we gone?" I asked them.

I purposely didn't invite them, so they can do whatever.

"Khalil what are we doing?" Aalyiah asked him.

"I'm a go to sleep." He said.

She sucked her teeth.

"Khalil you always do that."

"Okay why don't you do it with me. Ill even snuggle with you."

"Yeah I'm a get dress then we gonna leave okay."

Khalil didn't say anything. Mostly because he knew he had no option. I just shook my head and left with Quan and Izzy.

"So what are we doing?" Izzy said getting In the drivers seat.

"Girl hunting." I said. "I think it would give us time to bond."

Quan busted out laughing.

"Yeah Brooklyn we sure gonna bond over what girl I think is fine."

"That's the sprit!" I said laughing. "Anyway first stop at the mall."

"The mall?" Izzy said.

"Yeah why we going to the mall we can just go to the club."Quan asked

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