Maybe she's sick?

Was she on an accident on the way?

Maybe she forgot?

Thousands of questions flooded his mind as he hastily entered her apartment. He knew the password since she herself told him when they first started dating. At first, he glanced everywhere and saw nothing. Finally, he reached her room. She must've been there since it was the last room he hadn't searched. When he open the door slightly and peeks, respecting a woman's privacy, his eyes grew tenfolds and his fists clenched as he just had the biggest shock of his life. And boy was he furious.

There she was, sleeping with a man on her side. They were nakedly snuggling each other. They didn't even hear the door opening – probably because both of them were tired from their activities.

He angrily marched at them and grabbed his girlfriend roughly, not bothering the respect he usually had in handling women. He just saw red. Almost immediately, the man and his ex-girlfriend woke up, both startled with the sudden intrusion. For a second, Chanyeol almost recognized the man. He just looked really familiar, but familiar or not, it didn't matter as he was angry nonetheless. The man got angry and went on punching Chanyeol, but the latter had faster reflexes and punched the man instead, probably from adrenaline, knocking him out with just one punch.

What a wuss, Chanyeol thought.

His girlfriend got mad and slapped Chanyeol. Instead of getting angry, his eyes stung. He felt like crying at that time, even though he strongly believed that men should never cry and if they did, they were gay. His girlfriend, with no mercy, didn't mind his tears and slapped him again across the cheek – that time, harder. She broke up with him just like that and helped the knocked man out.

Before exiting, he managed to muster his last words, "I expect you to leave this apartment tomorrow. Make sure to leave all the jewelry, the expensive clothes and the car that I bought you before. I will also be expecting the rent I paid for this loft on the counter. Make sure to check every nook and cranny before you leave. I don't want any of your germs, or that whore of yours." He spat, his tears straining his face.

His words were supposed to comfort him at that time, yet it did the opposit, because instead of explaining, the woman replied with nothing but a death glare which broke his heart. With a final glare, he marched out the apartment and hoped that she does leave tomorrow. It wasn't like he needed that apartment though. He just wanted her to beg, or to muster any other reaction out of her that would prove her mistake. He might've forgiven her then.

But it backfired, because to her, it was not a mistake. It was a choice. She chose that man over him. And than was when he decided that he didn't need anyone to enter his life ever again. It was every man for himself.

* * * * *

"S-sir! Here are the resumes. I'm s-sorry sir. I was only able to accumulate twenty applications, b-but I promise! They're all q-qualified for their job!" Jongdae heavily stuttered before handing the documents shakily to his superior. His head was bowed down, scared out of his wits as he was already predicting the CEO's anger.

"Whatever. Send the first one in." CEO Park waved him off, mumbling his reply quite annoyed with the situation. Jongdae sighed, feeling slightly relieved. Chanyeol had read through those documents the night before, and he himself knew that most of the applicants were not suited for the job. It was either they were too inexperienced, too old, too young, whilst some were just... too weird for his liking. It wasn't his job to dig deeper to the applicants, but since the job would be calling for a person to work specifically under him, he decided to study those applicants himself to the point when he searched them up in Facebook. The most reliable applicant would be working under him, after all.

The Impassioned Interchange (Park Chanyeol)Where stories live. Discover now