The Unexpected Journey (Prologue)

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Kyungsoo's POV;
Luckily my parents accepted Kian into our family. I didn't want Kian & I's story turning out like Jan Di's and Jun Pyo's.
(Boys Over Flowers).

As I lay down peacefully, I open my eyes blinking them a few times to get used to the brightness in our room.
First thing I see is Kian of course. Best thing about being Married is always being together. I smile and stroke her long black hair but my arm around her waist. but noticed something missing... "Good Morning Kyungie." My eyes stayed widened. "Goo-good morning beautiful." Kian's eyes light up at the sight of my naked chest. "Wha-What happened?" I smiled. "It's okay, we're married now aren't we?" Kian fell off the bed with the sheets. As Kian stood up Holding the blankets she instantly closed her eyes. Oh my this girl, is she still not comfortable around me? "It's been a few months since we've gotten married. Your not used to it yet at all??" I smirked as she shook her head slowly like a child. "Come here then!" I grabbed her by the arm and pulled her back to the bed. "Lets just stay like this for a while." Gladly she didn't fidget or resist, thats My Girl.

Kian's POV;
One morning, I woke up nauseous..
"Kian-ah, are you alright? You look.. pale. I made you some food since you we're chewing on the teddy bears foot." Huh? Omo. I just remembered the dream I was having.. "We're you perhaps dreaming of me?" Kyungsoo asked. "Well.. you we're in it. You we're handing me a peach." Kyungsoo grabbed my arm and pulled my up from bed not letting go until we reached the dining room. "Kian-ah! Good Morning Child! Did you sleep well?" Kyungsoo's mom is here?! Oh My! I quickly fixed my hair and wiped the saliva at the corners of my mouth. Aish, so embarrassing! "Eommoni! Good Morning! I slept well, how about you?" I responded. "Eomma, Kian's not feeling well. Doesn't she look a little pale?" Kyungsoo noted as he put his arm around my shoulder. "I'm fine, I just need some rest." As we eat breakfast, Typical Kyungsoo constantly adds food to my Plate. "Eat a lot." This is so Typical of him. My over protective Kyungie. "Thanks Yeobo." up till this day I still get chills calling him my Husband. "I think I'm done, I'll just have an orange." "Oh no dear, you barley touched your food. Maybe there is something wrong. That orange is too sour too. You'd rather have a sour orange than a wonderful meal cooked by your husband?" I laughed, how dramatic is she? "Uhm, sorry Eommoni! I'm not very hungry this morning. Plus my head is hurting."
"Omo!! Aren't you?..." Kyungsoo & I looked at each other in confusion.
"Pregnant Kian Pregnant!! Omo!! My son, you finally did it!!" My eyes widened as I heard the word "Pregnant" Am I hearing this correct or? "Eomma, don't go to far. We've-"
"Hello? Kian's mom? I have exciting news! We're both going to be grandparents in the next 9 months!!"
Oh. My. Gosh. Is this seriously happening to me right now? Kyungsoo and I looked at each other. "Are you-"
"Kian, child! I need to fetch a few things! I cannot wait anymore!" As she quickly runs out the door I felt Kyungsoo grab my hand. "Are you seriously-" "Kyungsoo, I don't know."
I thought to myself, Am I ready for this? Do I want a kid right now? Kyungsoo and I are doing fine, what if a Child comes in and ruins it? I know I should be as happy as Kyungsoo right now but.. "Kian, we need to- uh, uhm." Kyungsoo walks back and forth scratching his head. He too looked confused. Just then the phone rang.

"I never thought Kyungsoo would do it, but he finally did."
Kyungsoo; "Hi Sehun."
"Thanks guys!!"

Thanks? He's taking this pretty well.

"We'll come for a visit soon!"
"Okay! Make sure to come okay?"
"We're not calling our child that."

I never thought i'd hear those words come out his mouth.


The next morning, I found Kyungsoo to be extra helpful and Careful around me. "Are you ready to go to the doctors?" "Yeah, lets get this thing over with."

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