Chapter 27

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[Bluesnow's POV]

These were going to be my last two attacks and I knew it. I had my eyes set on two apprentices. They were Dazepaw and Sparklepaw. I knew they were going out hunting so it would be the perfect time to attack. I had hidden myself in the forest where I knew they would go. I waited for a while and I saw Bloodtear, or Creekheart as I liked to call him, appear by my.

"You can't live much longer. Bluesnow has a great destiny in front of her." He said next to me. I glared at him.

"Like I care, I just want to kill these last two apprentices then I'll leave. You can finish your job." I told him with a small growl.

"Can I help kill them? I need practice if I want to finish my plan." He asked me with a twinkle in his blood red eyes. I rolled my blue eyes.

"Fine, you can take Sparklepaw. I want to kill Dazepaw, the leader's apprentice." I said to him.

"Alright, I'll let you do that." He said.

I nodded and we waited in the branches for a while until I saw them racing through the forest. I looked to Bloodtear and nodded. We both dropped down and attacked one each. Thankfully I ended up with Dazepaw. I growled at her and attacked her.

"Spokenstar! Help!" She yowled. I clawed at her face angry at her for yowling and warning more cats.

"Kill her now or I will." Bloodtear growled with his claws on Sparklepaw's neck. I could already see the life draining out of Sparklepaw. I nodded and bit down on her neck. I was too late though. She had already yowled again for help right before I killed her. I hissed under my breath and Bloodtear growled at me.

"I'm sorry Creekheart." I said taunting him a little. He rolled his eyes and growled at me a little.

"You ruined this." He said and killed Sparklepaw easily.

"Let's just go before we get caught." I said and headed to the gathering place. I wasn't really sure what it was called at all. He headed after me. If I would of turned around I would of seen his smirk but of course I didn't.

We got there quickly. I sighed and rested by the rocks at the bottom of the tree. Worse idea ever. That's when all the clans started to pour into the area. Bloodtear laughed and his other Dark Forest warrior appeared by his side.

"You will die Malvagio. It is time for you to die!" Bloodtear hissed. Then some StarClan warrior appeared with them.

"DepthClan! Attack!" Spokenstar yowled. The DepthClan warriors ran toward me.

"MapleClan! Attack!" Silverstar yowled. The MapleClan warriors ran toward me.

"TideClan! Attack!" Snowstar yowled. The TideClan warriors ran toward me.

"EverClan! Attack!" Toadstar yowled. The EverClan warriors ran toward me.

"StarClan! Attack!" One of those leaders in StarClan yowled. The StarClan warriors ran toward me.

"Dark Forest! Attack!" Bloodtear yowled. The Dark Forest warriors ran toward me.

Now I had every clan coming at me with lots of warriors. I hissed and looked around for some weaker enemies to attack. I saw none. It looked like they only took the warriors and left the apprentices, queens, and elders back in the camps.

I found myself battling against a dark brown tom and I batted at him. Another cat went behind me and attacked me from behind. They started to back up once the leaders of all the clans, Dark Forest too, stepped closer to me surrounding me in a circle.

"You have caused much pain to all of us." Spokenstar growled.

"It is time for you to sense some pain." Toadstar growled.

"We will defeat you." Snowstar growled now.

"And you will die." Silverstar hissed.

"Leaders! Attack Malvagio." Bloodtear hissed and all five of them started to attack me. I hissed and clawed at Silverstar. I knew I made a deep wound since he backed away. Bloodtear and Spokenstar fought side by side and so did Snowstar and Toadstar.

"I have failed." I whispered. I let the leaders destroy me. I felt my body being claws and batted around. My spirit, it was also dying. There was nothing I could do anymore. I gave up on it.

Blackness. Void. Nothing. Dead. Death. Vanish.


And the Snow has fallen. The book is not over yet. I still have a couple more chapters! I hope you liked the chapter and don't forget to leave a vote or a comment!!

Warriors: Falling Snow (BOOK 5)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin