Chapter 7

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[Cheetahpelt's POV]

I walked to the nursery with a thrush in my mouth. Shinyfall was a little mad after I told her I was leaving in three moons. She understood that StarClan had told us we had to go so we had to go. As soon as I walked into the nursery, Aquakit and his siblings rushed out of the nursery playing. I chuckled slightly as I watched them. Then I settled down next to Shinyfall and gave her the thrush.

"Here, eat. You will need your strength if you are going to control these wild kits." I chuckled more. She looked to me and rolled her eyes.

"Only two more moons. Then they will be apprentices." She said with a huge sigh. I licked her ear and took a small bite of the prey.

"Really only one more moon. The gathering is in two sunrises." I told her as I swallowed.

"Good, that means Bluesnow and Embercloud's kits are almost apprentices and I only have to deal with these kits for another moon." She laughed a little. Creamkit came up to us. She must of stayed back while the others went to go and play.

"Are we too annoying?" She asked softly.

"Oh no sweetheart. I just want to go back to warrior duties." Shinyfall said to our small blind kit. Creamkit smiled a little then headed out to play with her siblings.

"I believe that they will be apprentices today." I told her. Then, right on time, Spokenstar called a meeting. The kits hurried back to us.

"Let's go and see if you're right." Shinyfall said and got up. Flamefur and her kits were already hurrying out of the nursery to go see what the meeting was about.

Once every cat got settled, Spokenstar started to talk. From the corner of my eye I could see all the apprentices sitting proudly. Embercloud was over by his kits and Bluesnow was there from what I could see.

"We have a few cats that we need to welcome to the clan and we have eight apprentices that have passed their assignment and are ready to become warriors. Now, I know that three of them are a moon younger then the other ones but they tried their assignment with them and passed. Now can Summerpaw, Burningpaw, Fluffypaw, Rosepaw, Stripepaw, Dustypaw, Flypaw, and Airpaw step forward?" She asked.

All the apprentices stepped up together. They looked amazing and proud. Their coats shone in the sun. It looked like they had just washed themselves before the meeting.

"Do you all promise to follow the warrior code and protect your clan at all cost even if it means your life?" Spokenstar asked the apprentices.

"I do!" They all said together. All of them had huge smiles on their faces.

"Then, by the powers of StarClan I give you your warrior names! Summerpaw, from this moment on you shall be called Summerstripe for the dark ginger stripes on your pelt. They make you who you are and never forget that.

"Burningpaw, from this moment on you shall be called Burninghope for the hope that you give all of us. You were a great apprentice and I know you will be a great warrior.

"Fluffypaw, from this moment on you shall be called Fluffygrowl for your fierce growl and amazing combat skills. Use your combat skills well to defend the clan.

"Rosepaw, from this moment on you shall be called Roseeyes for your amber eyes. They are a beautiful gift and I believe they can be used for great things.

"Stripepaw, from this moment on you shall be called Stripeflash for your incredible speed. You can use it well for in battles or to earn your clan that there is a patrol coming.

"Dustypaw, from this moment on you shall be called Dustyleap for your great ability to jump. You will be able to use that later to be a great hunter and feed your clan.

"Flypaw, from this moment on you shall be called Flyblaze for your blazing ability to do what is good. That is a great ability. Use it well young one.

"Airpaw, from this moment on you shall be called Airwing for your swiftness. You might not be a really quick runner when you have to change direction but you try your best. Keep working and you might be able to get faster." Spokenstar purred to all of the apprentices. They all had amazing names.

We all started to cheer their names. The clan was getting stronger and we needed that if I was going to be leaving soon. The more warriors the more strength we have.

"Spokenstar, I have an announcement." Midnightsplash spoke softly. Spokenstar nodded down to the black shecat and she smiled a little.

"I'm expecting kits so I will be moving to the nursery." She said. I could see Firestream's eyes widen as he went over to his mate. I smiled at the couple then looked back up to Spokenstar.

"Now, as most of you have realized, we have a few new cats in the clan. I would like to give them all warrior, apprentice, or kit names. Spiro, Nightmare, Snowflake, Lightning, Winter, Crystal, Cookie, Dakota, Dream, and Cloud, can you step forward?" Spokenstar asked. The ten rouges stepped up through the crowd timidly.

"Don't be scared, now, do you all promise to help DepthClan and try your best to learn our rules?" She asked them.

"We do." They all said. I smiled and saw Aquakit and Tinykit smiling bigger. They had helped them back here.

"Then, by the powers of StarClan I give you all warrior names. Spiro, since you are still a kit I give you the name Swirlkit. I hope you get along with the other kits. You do only have a moon until you are an apprentice.

"Nightmare, since you are warrior age, I give you the name Nightscare. I welcome you to DepthClan and hope you can help us.

"Snowflake, since you have two kits you will be a queen. I give you the name Fallingsparkle. I hope you and your kits get along with out queens and kits.

"Lightning, since you are a kit you will get the name Lightningkit. I hope you like your den mates. From what I was told you have another moon until you are six moons so you only have one more moon until you are an apprentice.

"Winter, since you are also a kit you get the name Winterkit. You also only have one more moon until you are an apprentice along with your brother and Spiro.

"Crystal, since you are apprentice age you get the name Sparklepaw. Your mentor shall be Nightmooon. I trust my daughter to teach you all you need to know about the clans and how to hunt or fight.

"Cookie, since you are also apprentice age you shall get the name Softpaw. Your mentor shall be Tigerstripe. I trust one of my most trusted warriors to teach you all you need to know about the clans and how to hunt or fight.

"Dakota, since you are warrior age you will receive the name Skyleap. I trust you to learn the warrior code and follow it. We will all be here to help you.

"Dream, since you are only apprentice age you will get the name Dazepaw. I shall be your mentor. You can trust me to teach you all you need to know.

"Cloud, since you are also only apprentice age you will get the name Cloudpaw-" Spokenstar was cut off by the new apprentice.

"I have an interest in herbs. I also heard you have a cat that does those things. Can I be their apprentice?" He asked softly.

"Yes, of course. Cloudpaw, your mentor shall be Sparklight. I trust her to teach you all you need to know to heal your clan mates." Spokenstar finished. "Meeting dismissed!" She yowled then jumped off her rock to do some patrols.


Wow, longer chapter and a lot happened in this chapter. I might add in an updated allegiance of DepthClan so you can get it all together better. If I do it's just going to have the names so I don't have to spend forever trying to name sure they are all the same. I hope you liked the chapter and don't forget to leave a vote or a comment! Also, if you have an ships in mind go ahead and tell me and I'll see if I can make them work. 

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