Chapter 12

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[Metalclaw's POV]

They had been watching me all the time. I hadn't been able to get away. This was the night I was getting away though. This was the first night they didn't have anyone watching me since they trusted me more. I walked over to Squirrelflame's nest quickly and nudged her.

"Squirrelflame, we need to go now." I whispered into her ear so no one else could hear me. She nodded slightly and got up. We headed out of the den quickly.

"Follow me." She said and headed to the dirtplace. I held my breath and followed her. There was a small whole in the back and we squeezed through it.

"Okay, let's hurry up." I told her after I got my breath back. She nodded and hurried off to where I first saw that abandoned camp.

"Runningshadow usually meets me here. If not I'm sure I can find the way there." She said. She sat down in one of the smaller dens, the nursery I guessed, to wait. I sighed and looked around. The camp kinda looked different.

We waited a while. Then finally a black tom came into the camp. Once he saw me, his black fur spiked up and he had a small hiss. Squirrelflame got up quickly and went to protect me.

"Runningshadow! He's my friend. He has came to help SmallClan." She tried to explain. The tom, Runningshadow, looked at me and finally stopped hissing.

"Why is he here?" Runningshadow asked. I stood up straight not scared of him. I was a lot worse then him.

"Like your mate just said, I am here to help. My mate is the 'flame' that your clan have been looking for." I told him. I tried my hardest not to growl but it was very hard.

"The flame is gone! So is the tiger and the blue silver cheetah!" Runningshadow hissed.

"No, they aren't. My mate, her name is Flamefur. Her brothers are Silverstar, Tigerstripe, and Cheetahpelt. Her sister is Bluesnow." I explained. I just needed to see the leader. He should be a lot better to talk to.

"What about their mother? What was their birth clan? What is the clan they are in now?" Runningshadow bombarded me with questions. By then Squirrelflame was by his side whispering into his ear.

"Their mother is Shadow. Their birth clan is SmallClan. The clan they are in now is DepthClan." I told him truthfully. His face changed to a face of pure shock.

"We must get him back to Halfstar." He said.

"I also have an announcement. I'm staying SmallClan with you now. I'm not going back." Squirrelflame said. I smiled to her softly. It took her a lot of strength to say that since her whole family was in BoneClan.

"We have to hid our scent first. Follow me. I know where the river is." Runningshadow said then hurried out of the camp. Squirrelflame followed by his side and I stayed behind them.

Soon we got to a nice little creek. The perfect stop to hide out scent. I looked up to the sky and saw that it was the full-moon. Sadly, I kinda wanted the leaders to fight so it hid our scent even more. Runningshadow, Squirrelflame, and I all went into the river making sure that all of our pelt was wet. Once we were all drench, Runningshadow got out and run in the direction of the darker trees. Squirrelflame quickly got out of the creek and followed me. I followed behind both of them.

It really didn't take that long to get to the SmallClan camp. Squirrelflame smiled and nudged Runningshadow as she looked to her new clan. A couple cats looked at us. I saw one cat in the nursery that kinda looked like Tigerstripe and Cheetahpelt.

"This way to Halfstar's den." Runningshadow and quickly went over to were a huge log was. It was really tall. I guess that a huge tree must of fell over to make a log that big. Runningshadow quickly jumped on it then disappeared. Squirrelflame and I took the logical way and climbed up it then jumped down. Runningshadow had been waiting for us. Then he darted into a cave that was behind the log.

"What do you want Runningshadow?" A grumble came from inside the den.

"You need to come out. I have someone important to show you." Runningshadow said then came out of the den with a small brown tom with green eyes and only half of an ear.

"Who are they?" The tom, Halfstar I guessed, asked.

"I am Metalclaw. I have come to help SmallClan but I have realized that my mate and her siblings are the ones that really will deliver SmallClan and help them." I told him. He stared at me for a second.

"I am Halfstar, I remember that five that are prophesied. Are they really still alive?" He asked looking to me. His look had more of a longing look on his face.

"Yes, they are really still alive. They are warriors and a leader now. Their names are Flamefur, Tigerstripe, Silverstar, Bluesnow, and Cheetahpelt." I told him. He smiled a little.

"I remember them all. They were so nice. Bluesnow, Bluekit back then, and Flamefur, Flamekit back then, would always come over and help me when I had to help the elders. All of them loved my stories that I told them. I guess when I taught them stuff it really helped them seeing they are still alive." Halfstar smiled.

"As soon as I leave I am heading back to tell them were your clan is. I'm sure they will try their best to help you." I told him. He nodded then turned to Squirrelflame.

"Who might you be?" Halfstar asked.

"I am Squirrelflame, Runningshadow's mate. I have come here to finally join your clan. If I can, of course." She said timidly.

"Alright, you may join. Come along with me." Halfstar said then jumped on the log to call a clan meeting.


They have finally found SmallClan!!!!!!!!!!! Yayyyyyyyy!!! The next chapter will be of the gathering and two cats mainly. I have the best idea for the end of this book and get ready for a major cliffhanger. It's going to leave you in suspense. Well, I hope you liked the chapter! Don't forget to leave a vote or a comment!

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