Chapter 6

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[Metalclaw's POV]

I padded through the dark forest with a shiver. No, I wasn't in the Dark Forest. I was in a regular forest. It just happened to be extremely dark because it was covered in trees. I sighed. It's been two moons since I left my mate, Flamefur, and my kits: Tinykit, Emberkit, Fuzzykit, Lightkit, Blackkit, and Maplekit. I still had a moon to find SmallClan. Then I would have to head back since it took two moons to get as far as I was. I knew I was close though from what Flamefur told me, I would have to watch out.

Then I saw an empty camp. I walked in and all the scents were dull. I tilted my head. It must be the old SmallClan camp. That must mean they moved and fled after that attack from BoneClan and MistClan.

"Hello? Is anyone there?" I yowled loudly trying to get someone to hear me. "I'm not here to hurt anyone! I'm just trying to find some cats." It took a while but there was a reply. I was slightly hoping it was from SmallClan but I didn't think it would be.

"Who are you and what are you doing here?" The cat replied. Then three cats came out of the bush. The one in the front was a big brown tom with gray eyes. The one to his side was a ginger shecat with blue eyes. On the other side of the brown tom was a grey tom with yellow eyes. I shivered a little. With all the traveling I had gotten a little rusty on my fighting and there was no way that I could get Shiningdeath to come and help me.

"I am Metalclaw, a warrior from DepthClan. I am only here to find the clan called SmallClan. My mate was born in that clan and I wanted to find them so I could show her her birth clan again." I told them standing my ground. No matter what I wasn't going down without a fight.

If it comes to a fight I will help. The voice of Bloodtear whispered in my ear. I wouldn't let you die when you are a valuable part of my plan. Just by the voice I could tell he was most likely smirking.

Bloodtear, I appreciate the concern but leave me alone. I can handle this. I thought.

Fine, but you're not dying on my watch. Bloodtear hissed. Then a felt a little colder. I took that as the hint that he left.

"SmallClan has been gone for almost twenty moons. You will never find them." The brown tom hissed a little. The ginger shecat next to him kept shifting like she knew something.

"What are your names? And don't worry, I will find them. I have gotten dreams from some old cats from SmallClan saying I was on the right path to finding them." I said. I kept my eyes on the ginger shecat seeing if she would tell me anything.

"I am Talonfang, a warrior from BoneClan." The brown tom said. I nodded and looked to the shecat next hoping she would go next.

"I am Sunflare, a warrior from BoneClan too.." She said softly. She had a sweet tone. She looked at me with her blue eyes curiously.

"And I'm Wolfspark, another warrior from BoneClan." The grey tom said. I nodded.

"Alright, now, can I see your leader or at least hunt? I've been traveling for two moons and I haven't been hunting great." I chuckled slightly at the end. I just needed them to warm up to me. Then I could find out what that shecat knows.

"Fine, follow us." Talonfang growled a little and turned around and headed straight. I followed them in the back trying to memorize the way back to the camp. Sunflare backed up and walked by me.

"I can help you. I know where they are. I'll show you if you take me back to your clan with you or just leave me in SmallClan." She whispered softly. That's when I noticed her belly was a little swollen but not a whole lot to be noticed right away.

"I can do that. We have to sneak away at night though. May I ask something first?" I asked her as we stayed behind the other two toms.

"Let me guess, how do you know where SmallClan is? Well, it's because I met a handsome tom that lived there in a solo patrol. His name is Runningshadow. We've been meeting for a moon and now I'm pregnant. I'm scared that if Steelstar, the leader and my father, ever find out I'll be exiled. It's better to just leave and go live with him." She explained to me. I nodded and stayed quiet. I had to help the shecat out. That's what I was here for now. I was here to help SmallClan. She may be from BoneClan but she belonged in SmallClan with her mate.

"Alright, I'll help. We have three moons till I have to be back to DepthClan." I told her.

"I can do that. Also, I know that SmallClan is still waiting for five cats. What is your mate's name?" She asked me.

"Flamefur, and she has four siblings. Great, now she's important again.." I mumbled. I was tired of her being in prophecies.

"Does she have a sibling with the name 'Tiger' in their name?" She asked me.

"Yep, Tigerstripe. Her two other brothers are Silverstar and Cheetahpelt. Her sister is Bluesnow. If you really must know, their mother's name was Shadow." I told her.

"It's them. They have to come back. I'll explain more later. We are almost at camp." She told me and went back up next to Talonfang. I sighed. Why must my mate be so important? I really hoped that this was the last prophecy that we were ever involved in. I was getting really tired of them always including us somehow in them.


Sorry it took longer. I wasn't sure exactly what to put. I hope you liked the chapter! Don't forget to leave a vote or a comment!

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