Chapter 3- Saving You

Comincia dall'inizio

"Okay you start"he said"Okay,Im Ariana Grande-Butera..I live in Boca I moved here to L.A when umm..umm..parents died"I didnt finish I just cried..Niall comforted me..and I felt the weird feeling again..I wiped my tears and Niall stopped comforting me.."My mom is Joan Grande and My dad is Edward Butera,My parents died on my 10th birthday..and every year of my birthday I always think..why Does it have to be on my birthday..cant it be when im older..why now..Life is cruel..and I dont want it to happen again"I said.."Okay my turn,Im Niall Horan,I dont know who my parents are or if they are still alive..I was like you living with a flirty roommate once I was home with a girl he starts flirting..and wins her heart..but he left me..he went to England.."he we have so much in common..Nialls phone ringed and he excused himself..and went somewhere


H:Hey bro

N:Harry is that you?

H:Yeah man

N:Wow you got british

H:So have you found the one you need to defend?

N:Umm.. Yeah

H:Okay is it a boy or a girl


H:Com'on man you have to win her heart

N:I cant I already broke a rule I cant brake..more..

H:Man whats that rule again..

N:Never fall for a human...

H: That rule sucks

N:Yeah but I have to live with it,Until she is safe..

H:Fine Dude bye.

And I hang up..then went back to Ari..

"Who was that"She asked.."Harry the friend I told you about"I said..

"What did he say"Ari asked man girl why do you need to ask. Com'on make up sonething""I stuttered and lied

"You're not lying arent you"she asked.."Ofcourse"I lied..

"Okay"she said.."Now lets continue"I said and she nod..

"What are your talents"she asked.."Singing"I said and this time its not a lie..

"Really?!"she asked"Yeah me and the boys wanted to be in a group band called 1 direction,but it didnt comw true,cause me and the pals were separated,Harry went to England,Louus went to Columbia,Liam went to Switzerland,and me in L.A we were all in Ireland..but they decided to chose theyre own path"I said..

"Oh im sorry for your..umm..-

"No its okay"I cut her off.."Now its your turn"

"Singing,dancing and gymnastics"she said..woah"Can you give me a sample"I asked and she nod...

"This is my Fight song take back my life song 
Prove it alright song..

My powers turned on..starting right now..

Ill be strong take back my life song and I dont really care if nobody else believes...

Cause Ive still got a lot of fight left in me.." She sang eyes closed beautifully

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~Rae Marie

D E F E N D E RDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora