Sunday and my grandmother

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6th December

Today went horribly, as all weekends, my mother has to drag me all over Singapore and make me tired and when I come back I still got to do math but I can hardly think so I end up staring at the assessment book for an hour. And then I just slept on my arm for another hour, what an awful waste of time. After I woke up I ate a kit kat and some milo, I guess the sugar helped because I was able to do the math after that.

Anyway, in the afternoon my mother brought me to my grandma's house before she walked everywhere. My grandma has dementia and she has to take meds, and my mother also thinks her condition will improve if she does jigsaw puzzles though I see no reasoning in that, in fact it's the weirdest idea ever. Then I sat there listening to my mother and grandma argue about whether my grandma remembered some stuff correctly, it was like listening to my English teacher(Mrs Chen) lecture the class.

But anyway it's quite a normal Sunday. I took the picture above at the aquarium, I think it looks like 'finding nemo' with all the clown fish and Dorry(or whatever name the blue coloured fish is called in the movie) so it's kinda funny.

It's still quite boring without anyone to talk to except for my parents. All I can do is read till I go crazy!!

Today my mother commented on a show on animal planet,
Mum: wah so cute!!
Me: turns head around and turns temporarily speechless
Dad: stares at mum with disbelief
Me: mummy, you just said that the animal described as a seething, snarling, insatiable lunatic as cute
Mum: what the???
(My mother was talking about Tasmanian Devils)
And you know they're real vicious?
So lol

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